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    Shouldn't you know this? You're the one who brought it up.

    Beetlejuice is an antihero. He's even listed as an antihero on Wikipedia's list of famous antiheroes.

    Anti-heroes are at least as old as Shakespeare so I don't know what you're going on about. Americans are interested in seeing nuanced and thoughtful television and less interested in having good vs. evil in stark contrast to one another. You might call that a 'sad state', but I call it a move in the right direction,

    Yeah, man, it was such a good deal that I contemplated buying two of them and selling the games individually on ebay. The games themselves are worth $150+ and you can sell the system for over $260-275 easy.

    If you missed out online, I believe that's their in-store price for Black Friday, if you're brave enough to go there.

    Ah, damn. That sucks! Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to keep checking back. That link I posted had the WiiU deal crossed out last night but then un-crossed-it-out today so I assumed they were available again.

    If you do it, just as an FYI, remember to put the promo code WIIUDEAL in because they don't prompt you for it. When you get most of the way through the transaction, scroll up and there will be a drop-down Promo Code field.

    Anyone else snag a WiiU yesterday at Best Buy's online Black Friday thing? It's apparently still available. $360 for the system, Smash, Mario World 3D, NintendoLand, and DK Country Tropical Freeze. I picked one up and I can't wait to start playing Smash.

    This was my favorite EP so far. Had some actual issues involved but was fun. Some excellent one liners ('I stole his ethernet cable; you can never have too many of these', Oscar blurting 'TEACH ME' about knock-knock jokes, Michea's matter of fact way of explaining 'she removed his dick. . .') as well. Sucks that Maria

    What about married clydesdales who push the twin beds together. . .every night! *guitar riff*

    haha, I agree. But Nickelback is legitimately terrible as well.

    I'm old enough where I heard/began to hate DMB when 'What Would You Say?' was out as the single. It was actually years before I even knew that DMB had like rabid fans and would play/tour like Phish. I thought they were just this terrible band that put out shitty alternative music. Basically, what I'm saying is, it was

    It's not so much that it's 'cool to hate on DMB', it's just that a lot of people hate them for legitimate reasons. I really don't think that a lot of people are out there trying to be trendy by shitting on DMB. They just hate faux-jam band horseshit on a mega-douche scale.

    It depends on the show for MSNBC. If it's my imaginary girlfriend Alex Wagner, I watch because she's great. If it's Ed Schultz, I cannot change the channel fast enough.

    Wolf himself does when he's masturbating.

    He is piloting a spaceship. He should know what a sphere is.

    You think he was talking down to you? His entire act is centered around him dumbing himself down and pretending he doesn't understand things and then trying to come to grips with them/re-explain them in plain terms. The fact that you think he was a 'snotty ass' is baffling to me.

    What are you talking about? He 'never held any friends and that cost him'? Find me one celebrity, comic or cast member who hates Norm and had that 'cost' Norm. He's almost universally respected, especially among comics. Chevy Chase even said that Norm was the only one who did WU right.

    Unrest your case. Norm (aka the best WU host) and Kevin Nealon were standups who didn't really do sketches. Also Seth Myers was middling at best.

    That's my biggest problem with Che. He seems like he'd be fine on WU if he just took a half hour before the show to memorize the jokes so he could deliver them with some character and flair. Having two hosts means it's like 5 jokes a week, but the way he reads them its like Che has not only not written them, he's