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    Eh, I still did. Same bland and smirky delivery. He makes about one joke per week that I really do like, but his personality does not fit WU. Maybe it's just a personal preference, but I like it better when the anchor isn't goofily laughing at his own punchlines. Like, loosening up and having fun is one thing (Tina

    yeah, i'm not very good at reading

    This comment is needlessly mean and personal but boy did I laugh at the Ken Burns part.

    I also didn't understand that. Sisyphus was trying to push the rock up the mountain. The rock rolls itself down the mountain. 'Most of the way down the mountain' made no sense to me. Should be 'up'.

    I have a weird fascination with hearing comedians backpat themselves and similar comedians. This article doesn't necessarily fit that, but like in podcasts when comedians start talking about the 'science' of comedy or how their brand of comedy is honest and therefore better (ie almost every podcast ever). Hearing Jim

    I'll echo a few other posters: keep dropping in every now and then. You're one of the good ones.

    I like radiolab for the most part but the faux stupidity and/or enthusiasm that the hosts display is grating.

    I get that and agree that Sarah is the main character. But I don't trust her or her reactions at all. Her main goal is compelling radio, so her aims bias her into presenting her 'doubt'. Her relationship with Adnan over hours of unheard tape colors her opinion, too. I just find her incredulity suspect and potentially


    He also by proxy helped to rear a young lad named 'Boner'.

    Electric drum kit that I just bought. Sort of a cheap one (Alesis DM6).

    The 'anti-'anti christ? We're through the looking glass here, people.

    haha, I've listened to that EP many times and I never fail to laugh uncontrollably whenever PFT loses it over the repeated 'helicopter rides' or the VJBBBQBBB.

    Is this actually Marc or a gimmick account? Given the dedicated nature of the gimmick accounts here, the comment history sort of bolsters either argument. Either way, I'm a fan.

    Yep. The first time I ever heard the word 'serial' in an entertainment context was in reference to 'Crime & Punishment'. Perhaps that's biasing me somewhat and leaving a weird taste in my mouth about the whole thing.

    I was building something while watching this, but did Ben mouth the words 'holy shit' when his Water for Elephants guess turned out right?

    Yeah, it was so easy that it sort of flustered Ben. He seemed to think like 'oh, that can't be the answer' and looked a little surprised after he got it.

    Don't Trust the P———- in Uniform 12!

    I would agree with you, except the show is definitely about whether or not Adnan did it. It's Koenig's sole focus, and the only aspects she focuses on. She mentions her own doubt ad nauseum, and the only bits about 'unknowability' are because she holds back info or pretends to have doubt or has 'experts' come on and

    Yep. Plus dak is Dave King and junior is Alan Yang, both of whom write for Parks. Yang is the bassist for Mouserat.