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    There have been at least two episodes of Parks & Rec that have been chock full of references to FJM. It's great.

    Ahhh, yes. Every time I hear it now, I picture that scene from Malcolm in the Middle with Bea Arthur dancing with Dewey just seconds before her character dies. So good.

    Wow, twelve years. That's about the time when me and my friends discovered SG (maybe a few years earlier). The only model I remember was Fractal. Dang she was pretty.

    As long as we're shipping things already, I would like to formally ship myself with Monday's loser Terry O'Shea. I will fill out all requisite forms.

    Jay knowing where the car was means that at the very least, Jay was involved. Jay and Adnan hung out all afternoon, Jay had Adnan's cell phone, picked him up, etc. Of the two of them, Adnan has far more motive and opportunity and also no alibi whatsoever. Jay barely knew Hae.

    Oh definitely. Especially the Bee Gees. Their 60s stuff is great. I mean, Odessa! Come on. That's one of my favorites.

    Yes. There is almost no doubt in my mind about this. I posted some detailed thoughts about it in this week's Podmass column, but my bottom line is that he did it. There's some circumstantial evidence, there's motive, there's opportunity. Jay knew where the car was, which is unexplainable unless the cops fabricated

    I'm not at all ashamed by it, but I love Abba. Can't get enough. 'Waterloo' is one of the best pop songs evarrrrrrr

    I love it's sole focus on football. However, given the fact that the season's don't overlap much (aside from basketball and hockey), this thing could transition to basketball/hockey in late January and then in June/July transition to baseball.

    This feature reminds me of some of the best parts of Fire Joe Morgan, when Ken Tremendous would post a reader correction in the comments. Then he'd post a reader correction to that correction, and so on for a few steps. Amazingly fun reading.

    Everything she does is adorable. She'd even be adorable as the keynote speaker at the 2016 Republican National Convention.

    Like 6 months ago, I had never seen a Miyazaki movie so I plowed through them all. I have to say, I think Nausicaa ended up being my favorite. Loved it.

    I browsed through everyone's complaints last week and was off-put by the vitriol but then I finally caught the episode on Saturday night and yeah, wow. You guys were right. That episode was awesome.

    embossed on the medal is Matthew McCaughnaughy (w/e) from that scene in Interstellar where he's watching his family's videos on the spaceship but he also has his dick in his hand and it's at full swole

    imo, one of his huge appeals is how quickly he plays. It's a joy to have someone who always knows where they're going and selects with alacrity. Compare him with obnoxious Jared Hall from Monday, who would pause and then slowly say the entire category's name before selecting, even when he wasn't winning. You could

    Isn't that what it originally was? I remember watching hours of Match Game in like 1999-2002.

    That's kind of what makes me feel odd about it. These are real people, Adnan is a real murderer (in the eyes of the law and in mine), and here Koenig is expressing doubt that he's a murderer in order to put out a compelling show. If she is truly willfully ignoring things in order to keep doubting Adnan as the murderer

    I like Red Lobster and I don't care who knows it. Cheddar Bay, motherfuckers.

    Which could be construed as Adnan calling him pathetic for ratting him out and working with the police.

    Yeah, me finding her annoying is 100% a personal thing, and I can't really even articulate why. I also find Ira Glass annoying in the exact same way and can't articulate that, either.