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    Burning question: are they buried in a shallow grave? Shallow graves or GTFO

    Antenna + piratebayyyyyyyy wooooo

    This movie and Ryan Murphy are like Newton and Leibniz.

    I'm a huge Giants homer and I totally agree with everything you're saying.

    Only thing that Papa John's has going for it is the garlic butter dipping sauce, which now all of the other chains have, anyway.

    Peyton is playing better than both Romo and Rivers, which just goes to show you how amazing he is.

    It was called back for a hold. Here's the Youtube link, complete with some of the worst fucking play-by-play you'll ever hear (seriously), ie a typical Joe Buck call:

    Congrats, man! I just bought a gimongous one (sony, 60", only $999) a few weeks ago after basically not having a tv for like 5 years. It's good to be back in the fold and it is amazing watching movies in the home.

    uh, uh uh, ya, ya. . .ya got some gum? hey hey!

    I think that's probably it! Even my friends who have never heard of DFW know of the Kenyon speech. I've seen it pop up in my social media from so many people who I'd never expect it from.

    I 100% agree, but I believe in recent years it's become popular in hipster culture. Doesn't change the book itself (one of my favorites), but for some reason people care what hipsters think and allow them to affect the things they love.

    You are not. I didn't read it until I was in my mid-20s (which I've heard really colors one's opinion on it; apparently, it's meant to be read much earlier), and I hated it. I was bored to tears and found it trite.

    In addition to the NFL doubleheaders thing, FOX also has to burn off the remaining shitty episodes of Mulaney. They paid for them, so they're gonna stuff them out there.

    What planet are you from? Can you say hello to Poochie next time you're there?

    I absolutely should. I checked out the wiki and I think I'd love it.

    I apologize that my pop culture knowledge isn't completely comprehensive. It won't happen again!

    I'll second (or third) the Needle Drop. He reviews tons of stuff, and say what you want about him, he's definitely very passionate and knowledgeable.

    Carruth is a good choice, although I wish he'd cast someone other than himself in his movies. Maybe it's just me, but he's a terrible actor, imo.

    The pictures alone make me want to barf. Video? No thanks.