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    This. The Giants are pretty much the definition of a .500 team: great one week, terrible the next. The Cowboys crumble any time they're expected to win something.

    I think you mean future Cowboys head coach John Jeti.

    lol fuk u

    ha, don't apologize for not reading other people's comments! I do it all the time. Sometimes I do it when I'm not even on the internet.

    I should probably just delete this comment as like six people have told me this now. Sorry! Also, see below where I realized this and changed my mind. Sorry, y'all!

    Why does Billy Eichner, the largest member of New Girl, not simply eat Zooey Deschanel's fucking head?

    Whenever I'm drunk and interneting, I try to make it through media that I feel I should watch for whatever reason but can't do while sober. Last time, I tried out Marc Maron's Thinky Pain. After about three drinks and some boredom, I got up to check how much time was left and there was like an hour and a half left so

    Where can one find this?


    Amores Perros has been sitting on my Netflix instant queue probably since 'instant queue' was invented but for some reason, I can never bring myself to watch it. This review has strengthened my ambivalence.

    ¡Fuck; a, piano. . .?

    Ha, you should read it. One of the commenters calls it 'Ebert-level ownage' and they're not wrong.

    Word. Thanks. I was browsing that review (and noticing all of the AVC regulars over there) and wondering if a lot of the commentariat here had jumped ship or something. Looks like just a shared community flocking to whatever's hot (ie the scathing nature of that).

    Yeah, I haven't poked around there much, and it seems like a lot of their other reviews don't get a ton of commenting. I was just surprised when I saw hundreds of comments on a movie review. Must be because of the scathing nature of it.

    It's also pushing 500 comments. Movie reviews around here rarely come close to that.

    Wow, there is way more commenting on their reviews than here, it seems.

    Ed Norton, on the other hand, looks very weird in that picture.

    This has the potential to be a huge blowout, but I feel like in a lot of those situations, the Pats take it a little easy and win by just a comfortable margin rather than a huge one.

    You don't remember that episode where the entire cast completely forgot how to act and the script was a loose collection of rat turds shaped into letters on the page?

    Everyone keeps clamoring for a new reviewer. You keep it up and they're going to bring back PDN! And that's a threat!