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    Commenting on AV Club articles? I. . .think so?

    Brak-ing Bad, Brak cooks meth.

    Is that Byron from Andy Richter Controls the Universe in the background?

    If it's one-ply, unperforated, scratchy shit, then he should not be surprised.

    Do you like. . .'love' him? or like, love love him????

    Chandler Bing Rhames

    So. . .basically this is a short by someone who just figured out how to use Vegas Pro or Final Cut?

    Stretches of the NJ Turnpike (I think) actually do have separate, parallel roads for trucks. Of course, cars are allowed to go on them, but trucks are supposed to stay outta the car lanes.

    I wonder how many comedians have said that second sentence before.

    Bingo. I was reading this comment and immediately stopped at that sentence. 'Offending people' does not mean you are doing a good job. It means you are offending people. You might be affecting change or getting people to look at things from a new perspective, but simply 'offending people' is not a value marker. If it

    Awesome! The Boz one should be interesting for a variety of reasons.

    It's how you get mold, too! And that stuff can really make you sick.

    I just watched the link and I'm really surprised that a sitcom that good is on USA.

    I remember back in high school some of the local McDonald's would have like 'Cheeseburger Wednesdays' and sell them for 35 cents each. After one of our cross-country running meets, I managed to put down like 9 of them.

    I missed the episode, but someone guessed McDonald's? Jeez, what a terrible guess. Just in reading Jay's recap, my (wrong) guess would have been Coca-Cola. Time-frame kind of works, and I got hung up on that whole 'classic' rebranding thing (ie 'there's only one, the original Coca-Cola').

    I watched about 10 minutes of the Polk thing. It's not bad. You can definitely tell that not having a lot of money hurt you.

    I like that yesterday this didn't even garner a mention in WoT and in the comments they said there wouldn't be any coverage for this, and then here it is! Is there going to be advanced warning or some kind of schedule for when this gets covered? A couple of them look pretty cool. As a Knicks fan, next week's should be

    I would be surprised if he was. He's hosted before and seems to have a great relationship with Lorne Michaels from what I've gathered from interviews.

    I don't think he has anything to plug but I'd love it if they brought back Norm.

    He could save time just by putting the card in a blender set to 'pulverize'.