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    In typical internet/youtube form, the comments on that video do one of the following (estimates on percentages):

    I went through the entire series twice (and a few errant episodes 3-4 times) over like a ten year span before I came to one of these reviews only a few weeks ago and saw that you posted something similar to this. I knew the song was called 'Just Another Day', but still, the lyrics never clicked. I just thought it was

    If you love The Shield and particularly Goggins, you will love Season 7. It's so hard to not just plow through the whole damn thing in one sitting.

    Jims Franco, too.

    You're aaaaa cook-ie, Captain Hook-ie!!

    I just recently learned this when a woman I was pseudo-seeing was telling me about her ex and how she used to peg him. The casual way she said it without explaining it made me get all Murtaugh for a second.

    Vetter Kids?! At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen?!?!

    I know that's why I comment: the feeling of power coursing through my being after making another million dollars with my prize-winning commentary on good old Disqus.

    Yep. I only bring it up in a flip sort of way. Good for both of them.

    Nice write-up, Marah. I do like that you shined a somewhat critical lens on Nickelodeon's motivation for diversity when you talked about the economics of it, ie that they could potentially reach a previously untapped demographic ('It’s not the purest argument for diversity, but at least it’s a realistic one'). This

    Obligatory reminder that she's married to the snozzberries guy from Super Troopers.

    I'm shocked that that was a triple stumper. There's ample time to cycle through a few sports in your mind and think of what was going on in 1947. Basketball, football, hockey, and Olympics sports all had nothing of real note going on and the fact that 'boss' is in the clue precludes individual stuff like tennis, golf,

    It further cements the Giants as a .500 team. A hallmark of a mediocre NFL team is being able to play great one week and terrible the next. The Giants have been doing this since their last SB win. Still think they can manage a 9-7 season, but they can also easily end up being 6-10.

    Before the 'blow its brains out' part, I thought you were prescribing FOX a fun night staying in.

    I might be reading this wrong, but from personal experience (I am a nerdy scientist—geology), there are many women in science. I graduated about 7 years ago, and my department was at least 50% women, and geology involves hauling and carrying lots of rocks and hammers and hiking gear. I realize that this might be

    I'm a Giants fan. In the Dave Brown era, I saw #s 16, 14, 25, and especially 31 far too often.

    'I'm sorry, that book is an illegible receiver downfield.'

    A ghost car!

    I managed to get them all except #35. I read it more as a full swing of the arm, from like below the waist to above the head. If these were animated gifs, they'd be pretty easy.

    Oh my God!!!