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    Was it a nice hat?

    They were ready to back the Brink’s truck up

    I hate Bono and U2 but this made me literally lol. Thank you!

    I won't miss her refusal to just use the word 'I' in her WoT write-ups (which is mostly my own stupid pet peeve, though I don't understand any of the 'Word from our sponsors' paragraph), I will miss her as a writer here. You're a good writer, Sonia, and good luck!

    In other news, though, Giants-Eagles ought to be a lot of fun on Sunday.

    Colts. Texans have Ryan FitzMagic.

    I was half-drunk in a loud bar last night and I happened to glance up at a muted TV halfway through the FJ question. I didn't even know what the category was but I thought that the second half of the answer would've have made the Q a slam dunk. Nope! Two people got it wrong and one of them wrote 'Who is Hamlet'. Yikes!

    Let the flagging begin!!

    ps fuck you

    Yeah, mine switched back now, too. If you go to disqus's feedback page, they're being deluged with people complaining about it.

    Plus, I would like to keep my fake friends separate from my real friends. If my fake friends see my real friends, WORLDS COLLIDE!

    Bitch about Disqus thread

    In a sea of terribly designed web sites, disqus.com really does stand out as a pioneer of shit. Way to blaze a trail, disqus!

    (Hell, with THIS economy, you probably have to have a degree to take a retail job am I right?! yuk yuk yuk.)

    Guess he's moved on from his lucrative career as an MC. I blame it on those punk ass bitches from MIT, the fucking Institute.

    I should really go back and re-read that. It was the first one of his books I read and I didn't really know anything about him. Like a dunce, I kept getting confused and thinking there were typos in my copy.

    Woah, shit. There's forums? Well, hot dog.

    I'll second this. I'm relatively new and don't post as much as everyone else, but it's always fun.

    I meant it endearingly. I almost said 'boners', if that helps contextualize it!

    Any of you nerds going to the NYC Comic Con this weekend? I'm going Saturday and Sunday.

    Have you ever read Pale Fire: the Magic of Artistic Discovery by Brian Boyd? It explicates Pale Fire (so if knowing what everything means ruins books for you, don't read it) and is amazing. My appreciation for the novel went up 10 fold after reading Boyd's book. The sheer amount of linguistic puzzles and acrobatics