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    Has anyone ever had Highwater Campfire Stout? It was on the beer list at my local place but they were out. The description is thus:

    Angels of Light - We Are Him
    Amen Dunes - Love
    Pharmakon - Bestial Burden
    Eno/Hyde - High Life
    John Cale

    I almost gave up on Dexter during whatever season all of that religious shit was happening in. But that's about the time I discovered the AVClub, and the reviews/comments sections were so funny that I was drawn back in. Despite the show careening between utter boredom and outlandish/implausible insanity, I probably

    What about Lena Dunham Reads The Classics, An Audio Book Series: Finnegan's Wake ?

    Pale Fire is my favorite of his, but Lolita might be my second. I tend to zone out whenever he gets a little 'cutesy' (maybe not an apt description, but you might know what I mean; I'm thinking something like maybe Laughter in the Dark here) in his novels, but Lolita walks that line very well with me.

    If I'm not mistaken, all of PKD's works have had their rights sold to movie companies, so a Ubik movie probably isn't far off.

    I love Ubik. It's probably my favorite of PKD's. I just finished reading Flow My Tears for the first time and loved that as well.

    Oh man, I used to loooove Emails from an Asshole. It's too bad that it immediately stopped getting updated. I didn't buy the book, but I wouldn't be surprised if the 'new' content in it is just the 5-10 updates that have been posted since the book came out.

    I figuratively watched it, in that I didn't watch it at all and didn't even know it existed until about 10 minutes ago.

    Let the flagging begin!!

    CNY represent!

    You see, the body heat melts the jack. And I'm telling you people, I'm all about body heat.

    eh, both of them are very young and should have plenty of chances.

    Yeah, NL ball is barfy right now. SF v St Louis is boring. I want either KC or Baltimore to win it all. Really torn as to which one of those I want to win. I'm leaning toward KC for obvious reasons (especially when you consider how much shit Dayton Moore has taken over the last 5+ seasons), but I've got a soft, Seinfel

    Oh God, you watched all of Nip/Tuck? I almost tapped out at the end of Season 2 (I think), when Ava died instantly after being clumsily stabbed by Matt. I held on until like season 4.

    Maybe it's my googling skills, but I can't find the commercial anywhere online, which seems suspicious.

    W. E. E. D. A. N. D. T. W. I. T. T. E. R

    Wow, everyone's ecstatic, delighted, and touched with it. This thing exudes raditude!

    Oh my God, I can't agree with you more. You've got Seinfeld, Rock, and Louis sitting there, with a combined like 90 years of comedy under their belts, and Gervais does the most talking. He also didn't struggle his way to the top, as he was an established performer before even starting standup.

    *does the J/O motion while puffing on a French cigarette and also somehow jerking off*