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    Just wait until you're old and approaching senility. It'll seem pretty fresh. After that, you can rewatch it every other year.

    I actually thought Jeff Fisher looked BOSS on that sideline, yo.

    Did you see the one commercial that was running this Sunday? It featured a woman who said she decided to go get examined for breast cancer because her husband was watching football and she saw all of the pink on the field and because of this, went and got checked out. Turns out she had cancer, and that getting checked

    I think the guy on the right is the main character, now all growed up.

    Excellent article. Here's a theory about the scene that's vid-capped above:

    I'm several days late into this discussion, but if you take the advice of others here and see Wild Strawberries, do yourself a favor and watch de Sica's (Bicycle Thieves) Umberto D.. They work very well together and deal with similar themes.

    Cousin Larry!

    Haven't you just describe the dynamic of every relationship on this show? The characters are cruel and vindictive and self-serving towards each other throughout the show.


    Open the floodgates!!!

    PDN died on the way back to his home planet.

    It's only a matter of time before AVC switches to a Gawker Media-style (ie Kinja) format wherein commenters can create their own posts. Come on, AVC, you're sitting on a gold mine of free Classic TV reviews and dick paeans.

    That's it, I'm Colin up my lawyer!

    Yep. Like I said, I missed it so I have no idea how accurate the criticisms were, but check out last week's comments.


    I missed last week so I was looking forward to seeing him after he got such high praise here. So of course, it being SNL, I was not surprised at him being AWOL.

    Yeah, I really don't understand how they can pump out such dreadful material. You've got an entire room full of writers on the most famous sketch comedy show of all time. You'd think there would be plenty of ideas bouncing around the room, or perfected characters from years of improv. But nope! Then again, Colin Jost

    While Sarah was delivering her lines, I kept thinking about how raucous the laughter would have been if the sketch took place in front of the Friar's Club and on Comedy Central. Or maybe just any other audience at all.

    I missed last week's, where people called Che a disaster, but he seemed fine this week. He actually had energy as it went on and some of it rubbed off on the audience.

    On this subject, in the 'Communism' episode of Seinfeld, the Chinese restaurant clerk is pretty skin-crawly.