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    If the casting call was for 'creepy-looking old white guy who could easily pass as a racist', they knocked that shit out of the park with Stacy Keach.

    Upvote for the first three.

    Steve Reich and Tonstartssbandht. There's also new Rancid out, and it's surprisingly not bad.

    I'd like to second the love for CineCraft and also echo the sentiment that 'there is always someone out there, for anyone'. It might sound Polyanna-ish, but all one has to do is read a few Savage Loves to know that the cliche is true. I mean, if guys who are stuffing objects into their urethra or who have virginal

    This is exactly why I like to do 'clean breaks', ie not talk to or see the person for a long time. But sometimes it's unavoidable (same friends, or pervasive social media) and it's horrible. I don't know why, but seeing that other people go through the same thing is uplifting in a weird way. So here's to knowing that

    Reading these columns, my mind is always boggled by the facts that a) people have hyper-specific fetishes that I'd never fathom having (stuffing things into your urethra, being turned on by virginal blood), and b) not only do they have intimate partners who put up with/cater to these fetishes, but there are whole

    Whenever I'm playing, I'll get to a point where my screen looks something like that, sometimes on purpose just as a challenge. Is 'Round 7' the mode where it's out of 10 levels?

    Did anyone watch the Tetris documentary The Ecstasy of Order? Not quite as good as The King of Kong but it was in a very similar vein and I found it to be a lot of fun.

    Same here. It's especially weird when AVC consistently uses 'reader/commenter demand' (ie page views) as justification for not covering many shows (which I totally understand) but then needs a 'volunteer' to handle a simple and light show that is guaranteed to score page views. Someone's gotta clean the kitchen in

    Also, the Cowboys won.

    I agree. I also saw the 3D version in theaters and it was awesome.

    I picture you having an aneurysm upon reading that they've reversed course on the BBT, Jay S.

    Late response, but I totally agree. I've been d/ling episodes from lovelinetapes.com for years. I prefer to think that Adam Carolla died when he left the show in 2005. I loved him on Loveline, but hate him on anything he's done since. Any time I've tried to listen to him recently, he gives the same shitty rants about

    Isn't everything?

    The continued existence of Sullivan and Son is baffling to me. It's the most boring and cliched sitcom this side of Rules of Engagement.

    I would pay cold hard cash for a Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball gritty The Shield-esque action/drama.

    On the Giants site I read, the commenters were talking playoffs even after last week when they beat the Texans at home, who were without Clowney and Foster. They're going nuts now.

    Clean out your desk! You're fired!

    The hype surrounding Five Guys far outweighs their reality. They're good, don't get me wrong, but they're nothing special. A little greasy, and as someone else mentioned, their fries aren't the best. And they're somewhat expensive for fast food. Around me, it's $12 for a cheeseburger, drink, and fries. I'd much rather

    I belieeeeve in Eli! lol