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    These are trite suggestions but ebay and amazon are great for used lps, too. Direct from smaller labels is nice as well. Also, keep an eye on insound.com if y don't already. They just had a massive sale and I picked up some great records for an average of like $12 each recently (fucked up, hanoi janes, joe strummer

    I think we'll have to get in line. If I remember right, she's engaged to the White House chef.

    I am literally dying of laughter over here!

    Fuck yeah! Sorry, that's my only reaction to this.

    What's the price of admission and viewing hours for this room? My currency is hours of free AOL. I've got about 50,000.

    I used to drink PBR (when I was poor), but nowadays, as long as there's no Steel Reserve, I'm with you.

    Plus Bill Maher is the only cool political pundit in politics.

    If you read a book 10-20 times, it'd be in rough shape. You can listen to a record hundreds of times easily. Also, spilling liquid and BBQ onto paper is going to do a shitload more damage than doing the same to wax.

    haha, went back and read that. Too much replying got me all screwy. But anyway, I stand by it. You can buy records cheap and they're fun, just like books. People that are anti-vinyl strike me like people that are anti-book.

    Where did the books v. records debate start? Did I miss something?

    The argument was that 'reading a book doesn't wear it out'. That's false. I'm not comparing the durability of records to books, so I don't know what you're talking about. I've got hundreds of records and have moved 5 times in the last 5 years. They're all still in excellent shape.

    Check out discogs.com. Lots of good prices on used LPs.

    I don't understand that. If expenses are a problem, maybe try not having to pay $1500 month on rent.

    Greasy fingers on pages, bending pages, curving a paperback to hold it better all wear a book out. Also, if you're decent with your vinyl, even with heavy play, they last for decades.

    You can easily find good record players for under $100. 'Expensive' is a little hyperbolic.

    Um, you need to take care of CDs otherwise you're fucked, too.

    Wow, we wrote pretty much the same thing at the same time. I don't know why I'm so excited about that, but I've got a pant full of bone right now.

    Gotta disagree. I only marginally care about the difference in sound quality (which definitely exists), but owning and buying records is fun. It's nice to have a tangible thing to hold and read/display whatever. Also, considering that pretty much everything is digital now, the argument against owning vinyl is somewhat

    I've been buying records for years and had no idea Urban Outfitters sold them. Then again, I barely have a grasp on what Urban Outfitters even is. I thought it was an overpriced clothing store that hipsters shopped at and. . .oh, I guess it makes sense.

    My thoughts exactly. I took it a different way from the reviewer: that there are men behind female pop stars who are pushing the 'being very sexual is empowering' movement just so they can fuck more and leer more.