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    haha, wow. I live in Syracuse and didn't know that. I'd always assumed that they changed it to 'Orange' so as not to exclude/offend women's sports.

    a) if they're just jumping on a bandwagon, good. It gets the issue more attention and applies more pressure to those who want to keep the name.
    b) the name is literally a racist term. The logo is offensive, but it's there because of the name. It's not a ridiculous caricature (ie no different than the Blackhawks logo)

    Blaine Gabbert had nowhere to go but up. . .and didn't. That's not a valid argument against Eli. Him being bad last year doesn't diminish him getting his stuff together recently.

    Where are you getting that the Giants are one of the worst teams in the league? There are 7 teams with worse point differentials, and they almost beat one of the best in the league (the Cardinals; seriously, the Cardinals are great). They destroyed the Texans last week.

    Which cause are you talking about? The 'let's keep saying an offensive name' cause?

    The Phenomenology of Hashtags by GFW Heigl.

    'Tyler James Williams to be killed off on The Walking Dead'

    Yep. All of those Native Americans who actually are offended by it are invalidated because you aren't. Let's also ignore that the name was chosen by one of the more racist owners in the history of American sports who refused to integrate his team and had to be forced to. Ignore that they were actually 'the Braves'

    Don't forget Screamin' A Smith saying that Janay Rice was basically asking for it and wondering aloud what women can do differently to prevent men from hitting them. His suspension? 1-2 weeks.

    You're aaaaaaaaa crook, Captain Hook!


    I hadn't yet read that (I skipped it when it came out because I tend not to like the roundtables), so I just checked it now and wow, you're right. I'm only (at least, I like to say 'only') 30, but that roundtable made me feel a billion years old. Not having seen WKRP is certainly no crime for a young TV writer, but

    Yep. Also shocking to me was that it was stuffed shirt Geoffrey Zakarian who complained about the undercooked pasta and not Scott. Scott's usually all over that shit (if memory serves).

    I think so, too. Spoilers, but I was still sort of shocked at the result, given how thoroughly the professional guy (Giorgio?) won the dessert round. I thought she won the appetizer and entree rounds by a slight margin and lost dessert by a wide margin. They tried to make Giorgio sound like a villain early on ('I'm

    Anyone else watch Chopped? They had their tournament finale thing on last night. It was pretty great. I won't spoil who won, but I was very happy with the results.

    Oh come on! Don't bring the royal/editorial 'we' back for WoT!

    Thanks a bunch! Looks like I'll be listening to some Leonard Cohen this week.

    What does his alleged celibacy have to do with his acting ability?

    Once again, motherfuck Soundcloud for having no volume controls on their player. Such a shitty streaming player.

    1. Songs of Leonard Cohen
    2. New Skin for the Old Ceremony
    3. Songs of Love and Hate
    4. Songs from a Room