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    Anyone else here use Sporcle? I've been using it for years; it's awesome. Anyone want to challenge me? My username there is also 'rct'. Come at me, bros!

    PDN was the rare TV writer who seemed to disdain all TV. But then again, he seemed to disdain everything else on earth, so maybe TV was actually his favorite thing.

    I'd stopped reading the actual body of these articles (I skip straight to the comments) because of how awful-sounding the use of the royal 'we' sounded in them. After your comment, I went up there and read it and holy shit! you're right! A readable WoT! I sincerely hope this is the norm now.

    Someone's going to reanimate Marc Bolan?! If anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping in front of the nearest box office to score some show tix

    I will still laugh as I'm napalmed into oblivion

    That'd be great. Hopefully, you'll sneak in some baseball talk!

    How about a quesarito dressed in a loose-fitting, low-cut blouse on a windy red carpet?

    i'm seein' double!. . .i can't even finish it

    Are chocolate malteds still in style??? asking for a friend

    If you can't see that she's being facetious/glib out of frustration and think that she's being genuinely hateful/truthful, then I suggest you re-examine.

    sure why not. I'm really just trying to get them to review Review.

    If the lunch dump comes between 12 and 12:30, I wonder how many quesaritos were consumed between 11:30 and 11:59.

    For those wondering, Defcon is a Deftones fan Convention held each year in Decatur, IL. And 1969's was great (hence the wild high fiving), but I must concede that '86's was better.

    What about Defcon 69???

    I hate the show, but you guys not covering Big Bang Theory seems insane to me. You people realize that you're running a business and not a bunch of separate vanity projects, right? Because if you don't, I would like to submit a résumé. I should note that I am very vain about my ability to do nothing and get paid, so

    It's been said many times, but you're really great, @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus

    It's like a factory deciding to shut down the graveyard shift because none of the people that they hired to work the graveyard shift has volunteered to work it.

    I haven't paid too much attention to either team (or any team, really, besides the Giants; the NFL feels a little weird this season because of all the offseason stuff, and I'm one of those sanctimonious types who feels bad supporting it) but my pick is Panthers 31, Steelers 13. It's my. . .LOCK of the week.

    . . .you're aaaa crook, Captain Hook

    I'm just as confused as you, @avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus I remember when they stopped reviewing Cheers as part of the Classic thing. I asked why and Todd said that they base reviews off of page views/revenue. BBT is insanely popular (for some reason); I'm baffled that they're considering dropping