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    This. Sepinwall's reviews basically render all others unnecessary. Same with his Deadwood reviews. You can't praise them enough. They're what got me into seriously reading tv reviews.

    My mind is now thinking of something called 'Anger Management therapy', where you watch 100 episodes of Anger Management to cope with your problems.

    Well, you gotta trick the moms into letting us bop with 'em!

    Him and Doug Benson should go off somewhere and fuck each other.

    I've avoided the show based solely on the terrible advertising. I'll probably check it out now that I've read a bunch of glowing reviews.

    Way late on this stuff (on vacation), but wow. This episode completely convinced me that Joe Bastianich is at minimum jerking off his penis in the shower every morning to thoughts of Courtney. My money is on him actively fucking her between episode shooting schedules. There is no other reason for him to lavish such

    My brain tried to digest Joe's comment but ended up barfing it all over the inside of my skull.

    Start doing Hell's Kitchen! I'm pretty sure avc has abandoned that as well.

    Is the kid from those movies dead yet? I don't have the internet and can't look it up.

    haha, I usually am (sort of). Writing that made me laugh for some reason, so I wrote it.

    'Busy'? Or bizay? Let's rastify him 10%.

    Good Lord, I hope not. I'm sure A Walk on the Wild Side has Franco licking his lips.

    You Only Have To Read One

    Someone tell Seanbaby!

    Half non-fiction, all unmitigated shit.

    imo, the book is terrible, but I say that as someone who thought the movie wasn't all that great, either (effectively gripping at times/good visuals but extremely juvenile in message, though this latter is the source material's fault).

    It's been a little while since I've seen it. Excellent excuse to go back and watch more Freaks & Geeks.

    So it's like the New Coke in that it'll be around forever?

    I'll second 127 Hours and though I liked him in Freaks and Geeks, I feel like some of his charm in that is basically a 'Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted' effect, ie just walk around and be yourself and we'll film you. This effect seems to be true of all of his comedy work, too (not that it's a bad thing). Never really seen

    His staccato eighth-note directing talents?