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    Haha! He's doing a biopic of him (which he is also getting sued for)! Here:

    Don't forget his one-note directing talents!

    Good. Fucking terrible writer, should be a good match for Franco. Really, anything that keeps Franco away from Blood Meridian is good with me.

    Three Men Inherit a Mansion and Use It to Try to Get New Male Friends (Nothing Sexual): The Movie

    Same here. When I appeared, I said to myself, who's that 12 year old cop? Then I remembered: it's The New Guy himself, DJ Qualls.

    You're leaving out his appalling 'humor' about women/feminism. The list of women he's dated, especially recently, is weirdly adolescent as well, imo. Women 20+ years younger than him and superficially very pretty/model types.

    It would also mean having to watch Bill Maher.

    You're right, but that's the thing: many, many people could have negotiated very similarly lucrative deals for the NFL. Whenever someone mentions the positive things Goodell has done for the owners, they reference all the money he has made them. Given football's popularity, a dead fish could have made the owners a lot

    I call it: *bleep* Mountain.

    My thoughts exactly. It's a huge issue that is being pigeon-holed down to just Ray Rice and now Roger Goodell. There are countless other DV cases in the NFL and there are just as many in the other sports, too. I love that we're focusing on this, but I hope that the scrutiny remains and spreads to other sports. Sadly,

    He's friends with Floyd Mayweather? Wow. What an asshole.

    Yeah, should have clarified. My main point is that the government is very involved with the NFL and affords it certain privileges (such as the anti-trust thing), which is all the more reason for Americans (and our government) to demand integrity and transparency.

    Check out their articles on Jerry Seinfeld or True Detective. They're mind-boggling. In the latter article, their Editor in Chief goes on a vendetta-style rant about the creator of TD and says he is guilty of 'blatant dormroomism'. No explanation of what the fuck that even is.

    It's my. . .LOCK of the week.

    With commentary from Ray Lewis!

    The NFL is a multi-billion dollar business with tax-exempt status. Read that again: it is one of the most profitable businesses in the country and for some reason it is tax-exempt. Americans and even our government should be demanding integrity from this institution.

    Yep. And those that are speaking out are in support of him. Both Robert Kraft (Patriots) and John Mara (Giants) support him. I really wish the NFL had an owner like Mark Cuban who is not afraid to blast a commissioner. Say what you will about Cuban, but the guy speaks out.

    Out of curiosity, but why keep buying Apple products then? 11 iPods in only 8 years is rishitulous.

    This. It's insane to me the amount of options Apple takes away from people and the way people (because Apple told them so) will act like it's a good thing and revolutionary. Fuck Apple.

    I've liked it so far (about 5 episodes in). The HD was a little jarring at first (though it was mitigated a bit by Netflix swapping in HD and non-HD pretty often during streaming), but I got used to it.