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    I always have two different channels lined up so I can 'skip' commercials and flip back and forth. Usually one is a baseball or basketball game, which run commercials whenever they have to rather than having them scheduled, so it works well. I can see how you wouldn't be able to do that if it's just background while

    Trailer Park Boys on Netflix! I'm about halfway through the season, and so far it's better than seasons 6 and 7 and their most recent movies (especially the one where they went to Dublin).

    Someone mentioned him in the comments of a Gawker.com article I was reading the other day. I had thought he was an avclub original and was blown away.

    I'll get Matt Damon on the phone.

    Proxy-quitting: the wave of the future!

    You mean your j0b?

    Based on that picture, Michael Gira turned into David Bowie so gradually I didn't even notice.

    I see. The previews were a little shortened for the finale. They usually give away way too much info. Nice to see that they reigned it in a little for the finale.

    In the Joan Rivers documentary, she says she didn't really like the roast, in that it was a bunch of nobodies trying to get some exposure at her expense. She said she did it for the money. Although, she might have just been posturing a little for the doc.

    I'm right there with you on the Courtney thing. As soon as her brother said mac and cheese I knew she'd grab a lobster. And then of course she grabs truffle, too. I'm surprised she didn't take bacon as well.

    It's actually a suggested dish on many boxes of Mac and Cheese. I usually just dump a can into it after it's done. Some box recipes call for stuff like peas, but eff that noise.

    Are they doing a 'top 2'? I know they have in previous years, but the previews made it look like a three-way competition.

    I mean even less so now. It's basically one or two posts on a review if we're lucky. He used to say quite a bit back in the day.

    I'd like that as well. They did season 5, and all episodes got an 'A'. They're releasing a remastered version of The Wire; might be a good time to classic review them.

    Me, too. He continued it in this episode by laughing when they said Leslie was a 'stay-at-home dad'.

    At the very least, I think Gordon and Joe are pumping off to her when they're alone.

    -For your next write-up, judging by the previews, I don't think they're going to give you the choice to truncate. It appears to be one gigantic, two-hour episode instead of two regular ones.

    I loved that Leslie stuff, too. An hour ago Cutter is mocking the shit out of him and chortling derisively at Leslie being a 'stay-at-home dad' (which, again: seriously? Cutter has those gender roles in finely staked out and surveyed boxes, doesn't he?), and now he's trying to be all humble and teary-eyed. I loves me

    That camera man who showed the testicles flanking Courtney's shit-eating grin with ball sweat on her forehead deserves an Emmy.

    I know you're talking about the media in re: Ray Truthers, but as far as fans go, remember that this is the same fanbase that even to this day has a set of Truthers for the other Ray: Ray Lewis. The same Ray Lewis who participated in the cover-up of a double homicide (and possibly the homicides themselves) and is now