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    Precisely. They're cowards. There was a far superior movie that actively promoted social justice in a nuanced and more powerful way, yet they chose Haggis's sledgehammer-handed pile of white guilt horseshit.




    Take out the goddamn trash, son!

    Spare him the kick in the pants I was going to ask you to give him, then!

    He voted for it?

    I hope it's Cutter that leaves tonight. If it's not him, I imagine either Jaimee or Willie is going home.

    You're an excellent writer and a good person, Dennis.

    Crash won the Oscar because Hollywood likes to pat itself on the back as a model of equality and progressiveness. I honestly don't think a single voter actually watched that movie, as its presentation of race trivialized racism in general and completely marginalized institutional racism.

    Which ones? Mine would probably be Eraserhead, then Blue Velvet, then like a three-way tie with Elephant Man, Inland Empire, and Lost Highway. I have a feeling that if I watched Inland Empire again, it'd break that tie.

    I audibly laughed when I got to 'goldbricking'. Thank you.

    No order, but: The Wire, The Shield, Classic Simpsons, Seinfeld, Deadwood.

    More like Crudder Island.

    Same here when I recently rewatched a few seasons from DVD rips. Some of the jokes that we cut were either risque or dated, but some were great jokes that I felt robbed of retroactively.

    Apropos of nothing, but cool username!

    I actually like it when he downvotes people for using them, even though I use them. I like seeing the little personality quirks of the regular posters.

    Thanks for the reply! Good to know. Another Q: these tend to come out once a month. Is there a specified time when these get published? Like third Thursday of the month of something?
