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    I can kind of understand that, as there are some super popular things that I can say that I've never seen. But even with those (ex: the LotR trilogy, the original Star Wars trilogy), I've definitely seen parts of those, and those don't have anywhere near the presence that The Simpsons has had for 25 years. Plus, it's

    I think you mean #AtLeastItsNotHashtagDadBoner. That shit is trending.

    Can I ask a favor? Could you guys put in a 'Next Time' thing at the end of these? This is my favorite feature on this site and I'd love to rewatch whatever movie you're doing before these get published so it's more fresh in my mind. This is fantastic as always, but I haven't seen this in probably 10 years.

    Sonia masks it slightly with her horrific use of the editorial 'we', but it's clearly her. Utterly baffling that she seems to like Futurama yet has never watched The Simpsons, unless that was a joke.

    You shoulda held this review til tomorrow. Nothin' getting through if it's not Simpsons related.

    Jimmy Fallon sun-dials his age by the amount of pubes he has at the time. In 1997, little James Fallon was 11 5/8 years old.

    I've never heard of this book or movie, but I find it interesting/appropriate that of the now eight comments on this review, one (possibly two) are about the actual movie, five are Native American puns, and this post is a breakdown of the posts. AVC at its finest!

    I don't know if this is relevant to you, but when I access a Disqus page using a mobile device, I get the notifications for upvotes. When I use a PC or laptop, I don't.

    Soft?! It actually looks like he's fighting off something hard!!!! knowwhati'msayin

    Nope! Just ironically in dumb hashtag posts. The people in my facebook newsfeed are another story, unfortunately.

    haha, I wanted to downvote myself.

    He hasn't heard of Gaza, but he has a 10 page paper on it if you're interested.

    She looks like a human version of that alien logo that was ubiquitous in the 90s. Someone could slap her face on a pair of jncos and clean up the next time Limp Bizkit tours.

    I don't understand why he would make that proclamation. Why tell anyone that you haven't seen it? Hide that info and criticize away.

    Microwave dinners have enough salt as it is, I say from no experience whatsoever.

    I put it in my longer post, but here's Joe looking like a mischievous 5 year old as he holds up Daniel's yolkless poached egg:

    -I believe it's 'runners-up', as you have a little 'Joint Chiefs of Staff' situation going on.

    I wish hashtags were a thing here because I want to start a #HirePolarBears trend.

    Yes, it was renewed. I think maybe a month ago?

    'Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat-ass' might be my all-time favorite Bender line. It says so much about his character in that he refuses to admit he's wrong while at the same time can't help but take a meaningless swipe at someone else even though it basically proves he's wrong.