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    I used to hate ranch as a kid, but then I realized that it's just buttermilk, garlic, and onion powder, and who doesn't love onion powder? Ranch is awesome.

    Upvotes for everyone!

    Got to agree. She seems nice, and her articles here are fun, but this didn't make it for me.

    haha, I read the post before I saw the commenter name and immediately knew it was hansel that wrote this. While I seem to always disagree with him/her, you keep being you, @avclub-5dc57067431b33a491be7146e39b1f20:disqus. I get a kick out of you.

    Seconded. The WTF interview was great. When he started talking about whaling towards the end he started putting out some erroneous info iirc, but everything up until then was great.

    Gaius was my least favorite, too. I know he's supposed to be that arrogant, know-it-all dickhead who pretends like he's above it all but at the slightest hint of sex he abandons all pretense of intelligence to get his dick wet. I get that. But he reminded me way too much of Richard Dawkins for me to have anything but

    'Helicopter Spies' and 'Cake Shop Girl' are great. There's a few fan videos for Swell Maps on youtube that fit well. Here's one for 'Cake Shop Girl' that I love: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

    Get Jane From Occupied Europe already! haha
    One of my favorite rock albums ever. Such powerful and distinctive sounding drum beats with echoing guitars, odd rhythms, and just enough sloppiness to make it great.

    I told myself I wasn't Ghana join this thread, but I can't China way from it.

    He still around on the reviews of The Shield, though in a much more concise version. He's also on twitter if anyone cares. Personally, I want another biastoc.

    Mustachioed William Adama is clearly a dig at those with alopecia.

    They really should. I guarantee that @avclub-9cd818ea56273170b63f339aa6f34bca:disqus will review it better than Sonia, which is not meant as a knock on Sonia but as an endorsement of PB.

    Them saving Christian blew me away, too. He single-handedly ruined their burgers, and then he got credit for putting them on the flat grill. Like, that's all it takes for them to leave Leslie and Ahran down there? Why even save him, why not just have the four of them battle it out and eliminate two of them?

    The same thing happened to one of my friends/roommates a few years ago, except it was shrooms, and he got so freaked out that he left the house he was at and started running back to ours, passed out on some neighbors lawn, woke up, called the cops on himself, ran away before they showed up, and then finally made his

    haha yeah, get a huge 'CCH POUNDER' on your arm.

    You should get a tattoo of Billings when he was laughing at Dutch after sending him over to Tina's house to study. The time where Dutch looks in the window and sees Tina banging Hiatt and Billings just laughs and laughs. Get a full face tattoo of that.


    I vaguely remember this as well. One of my friends told me that the reason they put the cheese on top is because it's so fake that it won't melt and this way you won't notice it. Considering how little actual meat there is in their meat, this seems plausible.

    Rub it in, why don't ya? Haha, I live in central NY. There are a few Mexican places open during the day (plus Chipotle or the much better Moe's), but at night time, unless you're downtown already, the only drunk Mexican food is Taco Bell. It's gross, but when you're drunk, nothing beats a crunchwrap supreme or nachos

    Haha, yep! It's like they wrote a manual on how to be an unrepentant dickhead and then passed it out at the RNC.