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    I'd flip Aguirre and Stroszek (just barely) and throw Fitzcarraldo and Cobra Verde ahead of Woyzcek. Although watching Woyzcek got me to read Buchner, so major points for that (start with 'Lenz' if you want a jumping off point for Buchner).

    What's even funnier is that apparently Kinski wanted an exorbitant amount of money to come in and dub his lines, so they used someone else. So he's mouthing English, subbed in German, and dubbed back into English by someone else.

    Yeah, I didn't understand that, either. He's a millionaire several times over. Not to mention that soap operas are in very dire straights financially and probably didn't even pay him much.

    You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

    I laughed my fool head off at it. It's so labored as to be funny.

    Don't forget Jay Baruchel as Tobin and Jonah Hill as the Tree Full of Dead Babies.

    I keep shouting this wherever I can, but Herzog/Jodorowsky for me. I don't think the Coen's could pull off the proper realism (I love them, but their movies are too polished for this book). It should be like Aguirre, Fitzcarraldo, Cobra Verde, and El Topo all rolled into one. Herzog's realism, Jodorowsky's mysticism.

    Just posted it, sorry for the delay everyone!

    Here's the Masterchef recap! Sorry, I go to bed before the WoT's get posted.

    Just an FYI to anyone who cares, but @palmer45 is not able to do the Masterchef recap tonight, so I'll pick it up unless someone better/smarter wants to.

    I have a friend who lives down there, and it seems like far too often that a stabbing or murder happens in a night club, particularly in ones, like you said, you'd not expect it to. DC9 is one from a few years ago, and there's another one from maybe a year or so ago who's name escapes me. I think they used to have a

    I would love it if every gimmick account responded to this comment right now, like they're all gathering around Marge trying to get the gum out of Lisa's hair.

    For some corporate synergy and to trick people with nostalgia, they could've put an exclamation point at the end of the title and used a still of Jerry Seinfeld hand-dismissing for the poster.

    It's the part he was born to play, baby!

    Please no more Chris D'Elia. He's the human manifestation of hair grease.

    'And my final opinion is that I spent too much time thinking about this already so I'm going to quit now.'

    I'm generalizing like crazy here? The first commenter says her review 'is one of the most ignorant things I have seen on this site, and that's saying something'. He has 144 upvotes for that comment.

    Well, I guess we just disagree on everything. I don't see any evidence of her starting the name-calling or trolling on twitter. A lot of your opinions about this seem to be projections. She 'seems to go around inserting race into everything'. She 'revels in getting a negative reaction' (even though she's clearly upset

    When a bunch of white men are excoriating a woman of color and labeling her a 'racist' who should lose her job over a few sentences in a review, sorry, but race is pretty important. I'm not going to go into any of the stuff about her blog and 'other writings' because I don't know or care about any of it. Also, as

    I guess we just disagree. I found nothing ignorant in her review save for the couple of sentences mentioned, and those seem like more of an oversight.