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    Upvoted for 'sweet, sweet Disqus money'.

    This video made me teehee quite a bit. Joe and his band The Ramps!

    You hit the nail on the head. Thoughtlessness or insensitivity—especially in a heated moment—doesn't make someone a racist, yet the internet loves to paint things that way. As long as there are sites like Gawker that immediately chastise and eviscerate people (and since it's under the noble guise of social

    Good point. I'm not really sure what that entails at AVC, though. Todd never seemed to really 'edit' as much as 'determine the direction of the site'. Articles used to have tons of errors (syntactical/grammatical, factual, and otherwise) when Todd was editing. All of this is imo, though. It's possible that I'm

    btw, I should also add that the AVC doesn't appear to have an editor. An editor probably would've scrubbed the 'offending' sentences. Writing can often be an insulating endeavor, which is why a piece of Sage Advice with writing is always to finish the thing, set it down, and come back to it with 'fresh eyes'. AVC,

    I might actually watch this. It sucks that Joe is still in 'reality show mode', but I'll check it out. If you google Joe, you find out that he seems to have a sense of humor and is in a band and actually, you know, has fun. But you'd never know that from his reality show persona.

    I'm definitely not Sonia's biggest fan (her writing style isn't really my thing; but then again, I don't really watch any of the shows she reviews), but her biggest problem in that review seems to be a moment of thoughtlessness*. Full disclosure: I'm a white, hetero male. I didn't find anything she wrote offensive.

    I think we talked about this in some other thread, but my college class was the opposite, ie that everyone loved it and I hated it. I got a terrible grade on the write-up; everyone else got As. I hate knowing that I paid money for that class.

    I got initiated to Brahe from reading Sagan's Cosmos way back when and immediately loved him and hated the fact that my schoolin' never told me squat about him.

    I actually laughed out loud.

    I personally laughed because it's such an old and dumb joke but then thereitis! right at the top of the 'sorted by Best' comments.

    I was coming here to say the same thing. I'm not a 'sweet reference, bro!' kind of person, but that Brahe reference was awesome.

    I enjoyed it, too. The first half is pure fun and entertainment. It helps that I grew up near Albany/Schenectady and recognized a lot of the locations, too.

    I think you're right, it's the tattoos and the chiseled good looks. It has to be, because he hasn't done much of anything other than stand there, ready to be looked at.

    The Shield coverage on this site is excellent, especially when you include the comments. All it's missing is some Zodiac MotherFucker.

    Haha, yeah. Wow, the write-up above is astonishingly incorrect (even on a joke level it's hacky and wrong). Thanks for the clarification; I read that and was just bewildered and thought that maybe ESPN was showing a six-part documentary or something.

    I'm going to second this. I distinctly remember some Omaha coverage as well as a few other events.

    Or lose Norm Chad and pick up Norm Macdonald! Seriously, he'd be great.

    Seconding @avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus ! Welcome back! I hope others come back, too.

    Since @avclub-85ad8a61a364c0f800076d97e2cbad5b:disqus is on vacation next week and won't be doing the recap, who wants to pick up the mantle? I will if no one else does.