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    -I would totally watch a Ramsay dating show. Get on this, FOX! I would love it if Graham and Joe were there, too, and all three hid and were giving advice to a guy like Newman talking to Kramer through the bookshelf.

    imo, Cutter should never have been on the show to begin with. I can't recall him doing anything even marginally good this season.

    I pumped some of that video's comments into google translate, here are some gems:

    So glad that Moleculo got mentioned. That whole episode is great. Moleculo, Right Said Fred, Conan with Sully and Denise, the 'taint' sketch, and of course James 'The Gentleman Masher' Corcoran.

    I'd be a little wary of letting the snake-like, spermatozoon baby from Eraserhead handle and negotiate my millions, but that's just me.

    To me it looks like either a fountain pen or an outstretched hand waiting to cup some balls.

    But not too hungry, maybe 'brunch hungry'.

    According to metacritic, the only person to give this movie a perfect rating is billion year old Rex Reed (four out of four stars on his scale).

    +2 for doling out a compliment.

    Erik Assams, Boneya Saraiya, Dennis Pokeins, Phillip Dyess-Nugent (believes the bastardization of names into porn names is playing into the 'mind-numbing commercialization of the entire endeavor'), etc. etc.

    Yeah, I'd rank Bell at their 4th best, just behind the big three albums (or 5th, if you want to count that Colin Newman 'A-Z' album). But they've been on a pretty good tear the last few years.

    Just as an FYI to anyone who wants to see this, it's up for streaming for those with Hulu+.

    This. Balthazar is in my top five or ten movies. I think Godard called it 'the world in 90 minutes'. Beautiful movie.

    Sure thing, kid.

    Love Wire; it's amazing how quickly they evolved back in their early days. There's only 22 months between the release of Pink Flag and 154. Thought-provoking, smart, and eschewing any kind of 'punk scene' responsibilities. Pink Flag was probably the first punk record to really get me to think about establishing

    google image search 'courtney miss wynter'. haha

    Haha yeah. I was hoping Gordon would ask him to define 'artisan'.

    Maybe 'shame' isn't the right word, but I can totally see Courtney trying to make her job of 'stripper' sound enchanting and whimsical and artistic. Like, stripping is fine. Maybe people would look down on her if she called it that, but those people are assholes.

    Not only that, the reviewer ('RB', who I assume is 'Ryan Bray') is being critical and insulting yet is hiding behind the editorial 'we'. Where's the integrity? Use 'I' or maybe just don't even refer to yourself. Jesus, that annoys me to no end.

    I'd still take Chiklis and Goggins for pretty much the entire duration of Season 7 over Whitaker, but that piss monologue was great. I was laughing my ass off when he started talking about piss.