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    I've never seen Mother (though after your review, now I'm planning to), but never underestimate Hollywood's obsession with remakes. I don't know if he's quite considered 'Hollywood', but they remade Oldboy with Spike Lee. Nothing surprises me anymore.

    Now that I'd watch!

    -I called it last week (though it was pretty obvious) with Cutter and Elise being the bottom two. I also thought that, given the previews, Elise had cut herself, but it turned out to be a panic attack. Completely within character for Elise. I felt bad for her. I imagine she's probably a pretty good cook, but her

    I don't know about fried egg, but it's definitely common to drop an egg into tomato soup and scramble it while the soup cooks (ie tomato egg drop soup). I've also seen it with poached eggs. I just googled it with a fried egg, and apparently, that's a thing too. I've never seen or eaten it personally.

    Second on this. Your reviews take the place of AVC coverage (and, imo, they're much better than PDN's reviews), so keeping them in this format is familiar.

    -I think Courtney actually was tearing up a little when she talked about her family.

    It was in the teaser for this episode, but it appeared like Elise cut herself. Depending on how bad it is, I wonder if she sort of eliminates herself for medical reasons. Either way, I think she's going home tonight, but perhaps both she and someone else (Cutter) goes home. Although, FOX probably would've teased the

    Major crimes?!? sheeeeit

    Oh, wow, you're in for a treat. Perfect Blue might actually be my favorite of his. If you liked Black Swan at all, you'll love Perfect Blue.

    I'm in the same boat with you on both ends.

    As far as animation titles go, man, I would love it if they did some Satoshi Kon movies. Paprika, Perfect Blue, Millenium Actress, and Tokyo Godfathers are all incredible. It's amazing how much they inspired Darren Aronovsky.

    I legitimately thought this show had its finale last year.

    Haha, that was my exact reaction to it, too. I love Judy Greer but Married just has a cliched/boring and 'fake edgy' vibe to it. It's probably good for a laugh or two, but just looks so meh.

    -'an alien with frighteningly few expressions. . .'


    wait, what?

    Opinion question: what's the over/under percentage of band photos that are horrible? I'm saying something in the mid- to low-90s. This one is borderline. They seem like they don't take themselves too seriously, but they still look like they're wearing uniforms and there's the good old Brick Wall in the background.

    I'd never heard of this, so I looked it up. And now I'm laughing like a buffoon in my office for some reason.

    Just for shits and giggles, Krissi from last year has almost 7,000 followers. Context-wise, Luca has over 25K and MC3 winner Christine has over 30K.

    He was! I noticed that, too, and it made me like him even more.