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    You're not understanding. This was a pop song for and enjoyed by teenagers and its choral reference is to a terrible band from 25 years ago. Their reference, which is not ironic or nostalgic but is instead a genuine one, is like 10 years older than the target audience. It's insane.

    Ironic that the guy with face tattoos 'scathingly' sings 'you want to so badly to be noticed' in this song. Also, jeers to him for saying 'composed' instead of 'written' in reference to his making this song.

    Watch one of her 'Sound Advice' videos if you haven't. I hadn't before seeing this article, but after I did, I assumed she was doing this HateSong in character as Janessa Slater. I enjoyed this HateSong. Unless, of course, she was not doing it in character.

    'Soul Sister' is worse on every level, imo.

    They're not doing 'anti-comedy', imo. They're doing comedy and playing with the methods of delivery by tapping into our culture's latent memories of (ie a perverse nostalgia for) the absurd forms of media that have existed recently. Toss in some Lynchian aesthetics and straight-ahead absurd/parodic humor, and you've

    Oh, also! I wanted to add that Cutter's voice and sometimes his demeanor reminds me of Kenny Powers.

    In the first EP, I thought the same thing as you about Francis and the molecular gastronomy thing. I figured Gordon and Joe would rake him over the coals for even mentioning something that complicated 'before learning the basics'. But you know what? He's been pretty amazing. His food is consistently great and I can't

    -Count me as another who has warmed to Leslie a little bit. I hated him at first, and yes he causes needless drama, but the guy certainly backs it up. He's the rare brash and arrogant individual who may be even more talented than his braggadocio lets one. He's had a cool and collected demeanor in the pressure tests,

    Wait, I watched the show and read your review; which part are you guys talking about here? I didn't see any 'out of the ordinary for Masterchef' manipulation. Help me out here.

    Good point. I was 18 when Bush took office, so I was usually around young people with similar politics. Plus, I think my overall bias against Rolling Stone in general probably colored my perspective a little.

    I think Dennis Perkins has stated that the AV Club writers are one big Hive Mind.

    Whoever's name is in the byline is who writes them. You can tell because they all utilize different styles. You can tell a Sonia write-up by the use of the editorial 'we' and the treatment of 'What's on Tonight?' as though it is a human entity.

    This was a great article. This guy has such perspective and seems like a consummate professional. I don't have much to say except thanks for this!

    Even as someone who agreed with his politics, I hated Get Your War On. Right down to the title, it was a superficial and banal critique of the Bush Administration. Though maybe I'm just being a curmudgeon and letting my bias against political humor through (ie that it's too easy and divisive and

    I think I can explain the 'teams tanking' thing, as it is definitely a thing specific to the NBA. To compare it to other sports:

    'Ethereal' is actually my favorite word. My least favorite is probably 'poignant', as it usually gets used as a filler word when a reviewer can't think of something meaningful (ie 'poignant') to say.

    Mark me in the 'Waking Life sucked' column. Boring in a bad way, and the philosophy discussed was shallow and remedial, imo. If I'd have watched it when I was 17, though, I imagine I might have liked it.

    One of my friends will periodically send me texts that just say 'BALLOON BOY NEVR 4GET'

    Its competition seems a little stiffer this year, too. I think I'd rank Modern Family last in that group, and I don't even like TBBT. Wouldn't be surprised if Louie or OITNB wins.

    Oh, me neither. Modern Family has been declining so much since the first season and has had so much better competition every year that it's embarrassing that they keep winning. I guess it helps when they keep putting it against horseshit like the Big Bang Theory, but still.