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    Ugh, please no more Modern Family. For fuck's sake.

    I think they're referring to 'Working the Engels' w/r/t the pun. First show is the Scandinavian one ('Sweden'), second show is the pun ('Engels').

    I used to work for Nabisco, and it really is amazing how much stuff Kraft owns. Like half of the name brands you'll see in a supermarket are under the Kraft corporate umbrella.

    Oh man, I'll have to check that out. I just recently found out that there's a Canadian version of Chopped. On the plus side, it doesn't have perennial stuffed shirt and fussbudget Geoffrey Zakarian, but overall I found it pretty boring.

    He showed up on WTF and was interesting and funny there, too. Plus, he always seems game, as evidenced by his Tim & Eric stuff.

    Don't joke about that!

    Also don't forget shows that for some reason are beloved by the writer covering it (like TVDW with Mom, even though it would get like 20-30 comments maximum) that get full coverage.

    New shows I guess I understand. But for already existing shows where they review a season before it's started? I don't know, I can't imagine anyone really reading that. And how do you review an entire season without spoiling anything? My it's just my own personal fears of spoilers, but I don't think I'd ever read one.

    The preview-reviews of the 'TV Review' section never made any sense to me to begin with.

    I have a 'science background' (something Alex lamented that none of the contestants had), but is it me or was that one of the easiest FJ questions in quite some time? I feel like that could've been been a $200 or $400 question in the first round.

    I'm with Jay S., but not necessarily because the category is 'dumbing down' the show. DJ is more serious and a reality TV category—which has its merits—is silly and playful and, most importantly, ephemeral. It doesn't belong in DJ.

    Pretty much. Bear in mind that I listened to the Todd Glass episodes after reading several articles about Anthony Cumia's awful racist remarks and his firing (and also making the dumb mistake of reading the comments), so maybe my perspective was a little colored.

    You're right. I'm holding out hope that they don't go full on Hell's Kitchen and fill the roster out with talentless people who are firecrackers/volatile (ie assholes).

    PDN seemed to hate covering it. He was also awful at covering it and made some of the more forced attempts at humor I've ever seen. I'm guessing he told them he wouldn't be covering it and no one else wanted to pick up the slack.

    He's right! Keep 'em up. They're way better than PDN's reviews were last season.

    Thanks for the thoughtful and informative response. I just scrolled through his old episodes, and it is an eclectic and interesting list of guests. I'll be sure to check it out!

    I'll definitely check out the freakonomics podcast about it (I enjoy that podcast to begin with), but your point that:

    Isn't the internet already littered with virtual currencies, and hasn't it already been that way for years? I get that BitCoin is technically not subject to exchange rates (though, don't you have to buy currency?), but nearly every web site that accepts payments already accepts 'virtual currency'. If I can just buy

    I thought they were going to chastise Willie for making more fried chicken, especially since (I believe) they were the only pair that used chicken in their surf and turf.

    -Several of the contestants have complained about Courtney getting special treatment in previous episodes and were rebuffed by Gordon. This episode damn near shoved Masterchef's favoritism down our throats. She didn't have to cook, at all. She just got to stand above everyone, all prissy and precious. Fucking