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    Haha, totally agree with you about the garbage can. I can't really even remember a time when they didn't have a garbage can immediately adjacent to the side of the tasting podium (on the 'out of sight' side). Clearly just played for drama.

    Joe always does this. He's so desperate to appear like an authority figure (unlike Graham, who is secure in himself as a human being and will be constructive and nice and, well, human) that he just apes some of Gordon's meanness and sternness. It always falls flat for me and makes me feel a little bad for him. If I

    Hey now, thank you so much! You've saved me time and effort.

    Have any of you Podmass reviewers ever listened to (or maybe 'watched' is the operative word; myself, I rip the audio from youtube and listen to it as a podcast) Norm MacDonald Live? Or are video podcasts not really covered here?

    Do you have to like his writing or the man himself to enjoy the podcast (this is in re the 'interesting guests' comment; I'm also asking because sometimes total dicks can turn out to be good interviewers)? I think his writing is atrocious and shallow and he comes off as a major dickhead in public life. Then again, he

    Really? That's awesome. Thanks for the heads-up.

    For real. I am in no way involved in graphic design and even I noticed how shitty and uneven those letters are.

    Same here. In the US, their 'one hit' was 'Du Hast', though 'Engel' definitely got some heavy play where I'm from. Checking out wikipedia (which annoyingly lists like every country's single chart position except the US's), Rammstein has had five full albums in the US Billboard Top 100.

    For all the talk of his igniting interest in movies, I think what I'll miss most about his not being here anymore is both his integrity and his wit. I laugh every time I think of his back-and-forth with Vincent Gallo.

    Why a policy against crying during movies? Let those emotions flow, man! It's why you're watching in the first place.

    'Ruby's a great song with some rough lyrics. I don't know if you're a Norm Macdonald fan, but there's a hilarious bit of radio where he breaks the song down. Be warned, it's from the Adam Carolla Show, so if you hate him, be wary.

    That's a sweet story, @avclub-752a6fc94c80ba4f8b2dc8506fcc87f3:disqus. Hope the last dance was everything you hoped.

    Yeah, it sucks because I really like the melody and song itself. The lyrics are just so backward-thinking. Before making the suggestion, though, I did have to check who wrote it. If Ms. Sommers (looks like I spelled both of her names wrong above) herself had written the song, I could see it as her just being

    Good point. I did a little cursory internet sleuthing and found nothing, except that the way her voice sounds is called 'vocal fry'. Apparently, this is a vocal affectation, but I feel like Jaimee's is real. Either the result of a medical problem or extreme nervousness/anxiety.

    Thanks for the measured and thoughtful response. I'm only seeing two replies from Narrator under Alien Jesus's and neither of them say that he was responding to yesterday's shitstorm thread. In fact, his mentioning of yesterday's thread seems to suggest that he'd like to avoid more of this shit, which is counter to

    He has two replies in this thread ('all of the other replies'? am I missing others?), and neither of them explain anything. I'm wondering why he's desperately trying to change people's minds about their decision to not watch anything by Polanski. I get not wanting to talk about the rape thing, I do. I don't understand

    . . .why did you pick all Roman Polanski movies as examples? Just curious. The reason (aside from the obvious) I avoid all of his movies is because it's so easy to. There are 10 billion movies that have been released in the last 100 years. If I want to watch one, it's really easy to find one not made by that guy.

    -I hate Courtney with the fire of 1000 molten hot suns. She is so into her own shit and is so precious and arrogant and phony and like 'Disney Princess' (right down to the close up of her shoes) I want to barf. Her head is so far up her own ass that it has reappeared on top of her shoulders. Her response to tasting

    Yeah, I've always took this song in the completely opposite way as it's presented here, and you even provide examples that undermine what you're saying. I've always heard it as a couple wherein the man doesn't necessarily like to have fun/dance at a party/wedding/whatever, but he'll be there at the end of the party to
