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    You were too busy at the Optics Festival.

    It's been ages since I've had any problems at the theater. I don't know if it's my location (central NY) or what, but everyone is always really quiet with no phone usage. It's great. It's even been a long time since I've heard an audience burst into applause and cheers at the end of a movie, which I've never

    I don't watch Game of Thrones, but it's amazing to me the number of people who will immediately rush to facebook/twitter and write, 'OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE [WHOEVER] JUST DIED! WOWOWOWOW' and spoil it for people. Like, no insightful commentary, just 'omg someone died!'.

    haha, as soon as I saw 'paperback' in all caps, I burst into laughter. I know exactly what you mean.

    I don't know if this is exactly 'pop culture', but my vote goes for sports talk radio, specifically Colin Cowherd. And I really like sports. If I had to listen to hours of his polemically wrong, asinine opinions, buttressed by his God-awful and riddled-with-inconsistencies analogies, all topped with his smarmy,


    I don't know how into torrents you are, but there is a certain bay full of buccaneers torrent site that has both seasons of Banacek on it with 5 and 8 seeders, which in my experience is enough for a moderately fast download.

    Malachi Goldbergenbaumstein

    and also btw mexico is part of north america so buy a fuckin atlas you villainous piece of shit

    FOX had plenty to do with it. The way they presented the sport turned off many, many people. People, even hockey fans, hated watching the NHL on FOX. Remember now, we're talking about fan appeal and not about the financial viability of franchises in 'cities that couldn't be arsed'.

    Wait, so an entire sport only gets one chance to become more than a (nebulously defined) 'niche sport' before it's done? Where is this edict written?

    Anyone else here trying to buy NYC Comic Con tickets? Good God, their 'Virtual Checkout Queue' system is terrible.

    fuck you skeletor

    I'm not anti-soccer (or even a super hockey fan; it's maybe my 4th favorite sport), but the soccer-to-hockey comparison gets bandied about a lot when people talk about the rising popularity of soccer in the US and it's a little disingenuous. For the purpose of this, I'm going to talk about MLS, which is maybe a little

    You see, Europeans watch soccer like this!
    *doobie do doobie do doobie doobie do do*

    I realize you edited your post in order to pseudo-apologize for your tone, but imo your edit has a much more condescending tone than the original post.

    The reason there is a sudden 'major BOOM' in interest is because we actually have a chance to do something this year. If we were terrible again like we always are, the interest would be decidedly less BOOM-y.

    it's adorable that you're trying to feel superior by condescending to people for watching and taking an interest in the largest sporting event in the world. You stupid Americans, always 'trying to understand' stuff!

    Plus also, the internet is bursting with free, legitimately taken and available nudes. @imthebozzk:disqus, you need to rethink your business model! There's other people just giving your product away!
