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    Total agreement on your first point. There was no way that Leslie or Francis B. was going home, especially since Jordan got that crazy 'deer in headlights' edit during the wedding. To me, that screamed a post-production edit. It was so weird.

    Count me as at least one person who knows about the auctioning thing, but only because I owned the NES version, and playing against computer players heavily introduces auctioning into the game.

    Masterchef tonight! Turn off those brains and tune in! And then come here tomorrow to chat.

    In fairness to him, PDN doesn't seem to want to cover any of the things he writes about. It's his writing style.

    Why would he post this on a separate site when he's guaranteed to get a bunch of readers who he knows will appreciate it by posting it here? It'd be cool to set up an archive blog, but he's got people who read these every day already.

    I'm amused by the little Hammer & Sickle text figures below the body of the post. The first part of the post is 'make easy money and fast! moneymoneymoneymoney' and the second part is all 'nope! ussrussrussrlenincommunism'

    Thanks for the info!

    That's a really good point about the commercials. They manage to sneak them past AdBlock, too (AB blocks youtube ads and even stuff like Comedy Central ads during streaming). I don't know why I didn't think of that as I hate commercials even when I'm just watching TV.

    Eh. If you buy lots of stuff, $100 wouldn't be much. They charge $4 just for a book.

    Serious question: I've already got HuluPlus and Netflix and don't feel like adding a third streaming service. Is Amazon Prime better than either of those two? I buy lots of stuff from Amazon already so the shipping thing would be cool. I really like Hulu's Criterion section and Netflix has tons of movies; has Amazon

    Is it just me, or did they do almost no marketing for this movie? I mean, there's no way on earth I'd go see it, but I don't even recall seeing any advertising for the first one, and didn't even know there was a second one. Even that new Jesus movie ('Son of God') had an assload of advertising and posters in Wal-Mart.

    ehh, I was young and in a required class. If I did it again now, I'd have lied my ass off and taken the 'A'.

    I was young and naive. If I'd taken the class now, I would have just stopped watching 5 minutes in, read the wikipedia summary, and just praised it to high heaven and got an A.

    Oh God. I saw that flaming turd about a year ago. The only thing good you can say about it is that it's better than the Jackie Chan/Steve Coogan 2004 version.

    Haha, yep. I've seen it a million times already. But heck, I might just watch it again!

    Good choices. The Academy seems to have a huge boner for overly dramatic (not 'melodramatic', but 'overly dramatic', if that makes sense) and intensely romantic (schlocky/shitty imo) movies. The aforementioned Shakespeare in Love, The English Patient, even nominating shit like The Reader.

    Oh man, total agreement. That was my main reason for disliking it, too: the sensationalism of it all. Racism is far more dangerous in covert and (especially) institutionalized ways, yet Haggis had every character on a KKK Grand Wizard-level of racism, but the difference here is that KKK members wear sheets and hide

    Motherfuck Crash. I remember when it came out, I was in college in a 'Education and Social Justice' class and one of our assignments was to watch and review Crash. I wrote like five pages about how it was horseshit and got a C- while nearly everyone else in the class loved it and got As. Fuck Crash and fuck Paul

    Wow, thanks for this. After your original comment, I checked out their filmography and was surprised to see 16 movies. Those are the only four I haven't seen and your impressions are similar to my pre-impressions of them.

    This show actually made me go back and watch a bunch of Coen brothers movies. In the past few days I've rewatched Barton Fink, Big Lebowski, and Miller's Crossing. I plan on rewatching the Hudsucker Proxy next.