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    I dunno, the previews on F/X make it look pretty bad to me. That could very easily be F/X's incompetence regarding previews, but I'll probably wait until a few episodes air and then check out some reviews.

    Wow, a Family Guy reference. Ironic as it's you who is running a terrible joke into the ground.

    I did notice that and thought it was strange, too. I was trying to get a friend of mine into Lynch, and she started out watching his short films (to which I was like noooo whatareyoudoingpleasedon'tjudgehimonthem) simply because it was the first thing she saw on Hulu, in the Criterion section.

    Here has a built-in audience. It might be cool to archive them on a blog, though.

    Oh wow. Eraserhead on Criterion?! I can't wait. I'm glad they're finally getting some Lynch on there. Now if they could just get some Herzog. . .

    Her underselling Jessica's blurb is totally an Annabelle thing to do. It's all about relative appearances with her. I've seen her Peugeot, and take it from me, it's far from 'gorgeous'. I think the previous owners used it to plow fields.

    I'd actually argue that most TV shows feel much different at the end of a season than they do at the beginning, at least moreso than most movies do. I agree that the season felt like one long movie, just not for the reason you're stating.

    Maybe it's a stretch, but note that most of the colors were subdued besides red, which was very bright on his chest, face, and teeth.

    I don't understand what you're saying. That was the first time Pamela met her. She was upfront and brazen when she explained aloud how awkward it was being around everyone. Then they went back to Louie's and she screwed with him about his wife being black.

    Username-comment synergy!

    Oh yeah, Jaimee, too! I actually wanted to see Elise and Jaimee's, considering that they're both bakers for a living. Not sure if we even caught a glimpse of them cooking.

    Ah, shit. Good point. Sorry to those at work!

    It had nothing to do with the casting choice and wasn't a commentary or an explanation or a retconning. It was about a crass and upfront character like Pamela noticing it and chiding Louie about it. It would had been out of character for her to not say something.

    Oh wow, recognizing my avatar! You're great.

    Wait, where was the audible 'fuck' in the second episode tonight? I don't recall one.

    I got the feeling that he heard him and was just completely ignoring him. Louie and Patrick never really seem to interact, and Louie seems to think that Patrick is a doofus.

    Is that the same thing as 'nebbishy'? I'm not being snarky; the internet says that your spelling is yiddish and I'm wondering if the meanings are the same (I suspect they are).

    Adblock, people! imo, you lose your right to complain about the ads if you're not using this. The AVClub clearly does not care about you or how annoying/invasive the ads they sell are to you, so why would you leave them up out of loyalty? It takes two seconds to install and improves your entire internet experience a

    I agree 100% with you on this. Yes, the forced kiss was very unsettling, but I feel like Louie has been establishing their relationship like that for some time. I didn't fully buy that she'd just brush it off like nothing because she's been shown as a character who does not accept bullshit, especially from Louie.

    I think the fact that their roles in that dialog were reversed probably meant something to Louie, but like you, I didn't really get too much out of it save for its use as a set-up for Pamela's rah-rah speech later.