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    Currently re-reading Borges' Labyrinths (such a joy) and also plodding slowly through Otto Rank's Art and Artist. Rank gets name-checked a bunch in Ernst Becker's Denial of Death and so far (I'm like 1/4 of the way through), so good. An interesting and at times fun read.

    It's a great movie, but I'm not even sure it'd be top 100 for me. Even amongst 1994 releases, I'd put Pulp Fiction and Kieslowski's Three Colors trilogy ahead of it.

    You're a Good Man, Dennis Perkins.

    I've seen it maybe 2-3 times in those 11 years, but just recently, they've had a feature that's gone viral a few times: Celebrities Reading Mean Tweets, which is exactly what it sounds like. It's pretty funny, but also telling that the reason it's funny/interesting is that it's famous people reading stuff that

    Man, going a little overboard on the royal 'we' today, eh? I ctrl+F'ed 20 different times that it was used. I would really love to know why you guys use this stylistic device for this feature. I mean, yes, I hate it and think it's an amateur way of writing, but I'm genuinely curious about why it's used.

    You should watch this series then. Lundqvist is one of the best, if not the best, goalies in the world. The Kings, however, are just a better team and have thus beaten the Rangers. I mean, a goalie can, in very rare cases, win a team a championship. More often than not, the better team just wins (ask late-90s Dominik

    A) I hate post-modernism, B) I'm a scientist and graduated from college 7 years ago and when I was in college, I took ENG 101 and 102 only (and only because they were required), and C) you're not cool, you're just a contrived, anti-intellectual fuck up. Die in a fire.

    Thanks for the info. My experience with them was more like older Russian and German movies. I remember turning on The Color of the Pomegranates after reading about how visually pretty it was and then turning it off five minutes later because the video/sound/color was so bad.

    I mentioned this the other day, but I think it's simple math for NBC. Basically, it's a 'which gives us greater total ratings?' scenario:

    I'm 30, and never knew much about the Carson/Sagan thing (proving your point). However, Sagan has a book called 'Billions and Billions' that I've read, and so my mind went immediately there. Can't believe no one in FJ got it.

    General question: how are Kino releases nowadays? I haven't really bothered with anything from them in maybe 5 years, but back when I was, I was in college and using Interlibrary Loan to get my mitts on tons of movies. It seemed like 1/2 of all the movies that I'd get would be Kino releases, and they'd be bare-bones,

    Bring back the Cheers reviews! Or at least do the third season, as it was Coach's last and the series shifted afterwards. And assign only one reviewer to it! None of that roundtable shit!

    This, this, one million times this. I'm not sure if there are any writers here, aside from Teti, who'd be capable of handling it, though. Maybe Ignatiy. Not that the writers here are bad, it's that The Dekalog is that good.

    It's funny to see Joe A) dressed up in any kind of costume, because he's such a stick-in-the-mud douche most of the time, and B) around people who actually exude authority and confidence. Joe postures so much that when he's around guys like the army dudes the contrast is striking.

    What kind of ants? Regular-sized black ants? I've got sugar ants in my house right now, and so far the regular, shitty bait/poison things I bought at Wal-mart ain't cutting it.

    in re The Stanley Cup, it is indeed a weird decision to air it on NBCSports. I'm sure the Finals don't get great ratings, but I'm guessing the combo of Last Comic Standing on NBC and the Finals on NBCS gets more total ratings than 'Finals on NBC, whatever the hell else on NBCS'. Plus, America really, really needs to

    Show up here tomorrow! Or, I should say tomorrow's 'What's On Tonight?'. One of us will start up a thread to discuss it.

    Yeah, I don't really trust them, either. Especially when you consider how often worth can fluctuate. Plus, I probably couldn't even tell you how much I'm worth, and I only have a tiny, tiny fraction of what they're listed as.

    Woahh, a Sparks reference! You, sir or madam, get an upvote.