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    Man, now I really want some Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers.

    In this case, you can separate the comedian from the person. It's just that now you'll have two assholes.

    Scharpling is not being 100% serious. He's a character.

    He's being serious. 'Tom Scharpling' is a character. Some people can understand it right away. It took me a while to get him. Now that I do, that vid posted by the OP is hilarious. I was howling with laughter from about 0:56 to about 2:20.

    God, the Tex Hooper thing is hilarious. It's maybe too juvenile if you're not really a fan of his, but man I laugh like crazy at it.

    Depends on the show/movie, but I enjoy Dennis Perkins' reviews of Always Sunny, Nowalk's The Shield, Alston's Dexter, and pretty much any Ignatity movie review is good and I do like Pilot Virulet. There's a bunch of writers here I've just never read because they review stuff I don't watch.

    Teti is one of the few writers on this site whose reviews I actually look forward to and can make it through. Great writing, Mr. Teti!

    Is hockey the most likely sport to hire a guy as a GM even when that guy has been on TV and out of the coaching/scouting structure for a long time? I mean, the last time McGuire had anything to do with that stuff was 17 years ago when he coached a minor league team. Same thing with John Davidson (who, as a Rangers

    I would think that being a 'real Angeleno' would have 'not a real hockey fan' sort of built in to it.

    As far as promo photos go (and marginally OT), I remember being on a subway in NYC a few years ago and seeing one for 'How I Met Your Mother', which I'd seen a few times but didn't like. It had a close-up all of their faces and they were all doing big, not-fake-but-forced-looking smiles, and the only thing I could

    Maybe I just have really bad vision.

    Jesus, what a ridiculous thing to complain about. You sound like a joy.

    I think they don't make all them cook so that they can stretch out the TV life of some of the shittier and villainous cooks. I honestly feel like Leslie would've been eliminated immediately if he had to cook meatloaf. Dude seems like he has no idea what he's doing.

    Obnoxious is the perfect word to describe Courtney. When she was explaining last week how she used to be a stripper (the info at the bottom lists her job as 'aerial dancer', whatever that is), her tone and mannerisms were uuuuughghghgh

    I mentioned it somewhere below, but imo it's a combination of his stand-up high, trying to recreate the joy and passion of Amia (ie if it worked for one woman, it'll work for another), and most tellingly, Pamela repeatedly being mean to him and then asking him why he likes that.

    He's oversimplifying the plot and boiling it down so that every episode sounds the same. You can do that with any show, I don't see the point in it. It's destructive and boring instead of constructive. If people find that funny, great, I guess. I just feel like even if people are overanalyzing and projecting, who

    You're very, very funny and clever, much moreso than all of the people that watch 'Louie' combined. Is that what you want?

    Haha, a bot cut-and-pasted one of my posts! I feel honored.

    So you're upset that people on earth who are not you find something brilliant? And you're going to express that by satirically shitting on those people, and you'll hammer this point home by grossly oversimplifying that something in maybe the laziest and faux-cutesy way possible? And you really, really need to get this