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    I know it's kind of a silly show to cover, but I really enjoyed having a place to talk about Masterchef last year when you guys covered it. It's a fluffy show that's easy to mock and have fun with. Then again, I rarely read the reviews because they were by PDN and he has the sense of humor of burnt toast, but the

    Can't wait for the series, and totally with you on the pizza. New York style is the best style of pizza. Chicago style is delicious, but it's not pizza. For a genre/style of food (Italian) that seemingly has endless names for very similar items (pizza, stuffed pizza, stromboli, calzone, etc; plus there are numerous

    I haven't been able to watch Jeopardy in a week or so, but wow, Julia is still the champion? She struck me as kind of a weak champion (iirc, she's missed quite a few FJs and got pretty lucky); has she improved or has the competition been sort of off? Crazy that she could be the 2nd longest champ ever.

    Ha, my error. Leave it to the AV Club to edit an already published article and not leave a note. The editing around here is either non-existent or atrocious.

    I don't understand your sentence, but my comment is directed towards people who have the ability to use AdBlock but refuse to because they feel a sense of duty to support AVClub.

    'I'll probably won't ever. . .'

    Yep. No idea why some people refused to use AdBlock on this site out of some sense of 'loyalty' or whatever.

    Chris D'Elia certainly looks like he frequently rubs people incorrectly.

    The Canadiens have been flopping like crazy and whining about Price being out all series; not sure how root-worthy they are.

    I'm a big Rangers fan, but I tuned in to the 'Hawks/Kings game during OT and was blown away by how crisp and fast-paced it was. Provided the Rangers make the Finals, they're going to have such a hard time against either of these teams.

    It's the guy from Whitney. He's also a stand-up comedian. Do yourself a favor and don't youtube his stand-up because he is the worst. Talentless, unfunny, and self-satisfied in a really greasy way. I wish he'd stop getting put on TV and podcasts.

    My biggest takeaway from this article is that Norm's video podcast is finally back! It's been so long, I'd forgotten to look out for it. So glad it's back.

    Yep, what you're saying is exactly what he's said on WTF and Opie and Anthony.

    That one was indeed hilarious, but I was talking about the one where Jim had a one-on-one with Marc. Marc seemed genuinely surprised at some of the things Jim said, which in turn surprised me because they'd known each other for at least 8-10 years at that point (they were both regularly on Tough Crowd).

    You should listen to some interviews with him where he talks about Pootie Tang. He was not allowed in the editing room and had very little say in the final product. I think he knew what he was doing (if you're familiar with Putney Swope—a movie which Louie says profoundly influenced him—you can see that Louie did have

    I always love it when someone can completely explain a joke yet at the same time totally miss what's funny about it. Jesus, you're dense.

    I didn't see the interview, but she's been on O&A many times and Jim talks about stuff like that very often. I'm always surprised when comedians who are familiar with Norton are surprised that he's that candid. A similar thing happened when he was on WTF.

    whoops! I always do that. Sorry, and hope the holiday treats you well this weekend.

    Yeah, it's actually one of our better holidays, maybe even the best/most legitimate. Non-religious, not a 'greeting card holiday', and honors millions of veterans.

    Novice question from someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of this sort of thing: why has it taken so long to get proper releases of Herzog movies? Or, maybe this is my question: why have his films never been released by Criterion? The closest we have is Burden of Dreams.