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    I tend to think of Gaius as the Britta of BSG. Thinks he's smarter than he is (and more socially aware/together), constantly screws things up, gets very easily swept up in movements/cult-ish stuff, etc. Although Ellen is a good comparison, too.

    imo, if you're one of the first people on an episode, bidding $1 every time probably gives you a pretty high chance of winning. If you're one of the last people, just bidding $1 more than your competitors would seem the best bet.

    He's a pretty avid twitter user. I think his youtube absence is related to him working on other stuff. Plus he's supposedly writing a novel.

    I'm in total agreement. Plus, considering how much flack SNL gets for being ultra-white, you'd think they'd have replaced the ur-whiteness of Seth Meyers with someone different. I feel like every time Jost is slightly off camera he's eating Cracker Barrel Vermont Extra Sharp-White cheddar.

    Pete Holmes? Fuck outta here with that shit. He's the worst. My mind is blown that anyone on earth aside from Pete Holmes himself would think that Pete Holmes should replace Letterman.

    Loved Tough Crowd. RIP Giraldo and Patrice.

    Co-signing the review 'Review' memorandum!

    I'm convinced that Comedy Central makes the worst promos in general. I didn't see this particular promo, but wow, if that's what they used, that's idiotic.

    I'm sort of interested in what he did specifically. He's always been an asshole and a troll. Why all of a sudden? If anything, his point about getting banned for being a conservative isn't true because he's been acting like a neo-con asshole for a long time and hasn't been banned until now.

    Bull Dunham

    Considering that everything else on this site is driven by page views (overtly so, as mentioned in many articles about cancelling coverage), I still find it really odd. Like I said, it has nothing to do with whether I like the show or the show's quality. If anyone other than Todd were reviewing it, it'd be gone.

    I'm not really interested in whether or not I personally watch the show. My wonderment comes from the fact that they discontinue reviewing certain shows here due to lack of interest/comments and have talked about ending TV Club Classic because it's 'too much work', yet every week, there's a new Mom review. There's 13

    Writing this much about a CBS sitcom that no one seems to care about seems like some kind of hell. I wonder why this show continues to get reviewed.

    I'm glad you said this. I was going to mention something about both Breaking Bad and (especially) The Shield.

    Someone in the Comedy Central promo department needs to get fired or something. The promos for IAS have been awful. I've only watched a few episodes, but boy do the promos undersell the show. Whoever makes the IAS promos must be the same person who makes the Tosh.0 ones because they make it seem like Amy Schumer is a

    As many others have pointed out, they wouldn't be subject to a fine. However, that is, imo, a moot point when you consider that AMC allowed Breaking Bad characters to say it and they'd just bleep it.

    Imagine the group's elation if they stumbled upon a cache of juice boxes.

    Yep. It's a shame they're all gone. I would've loved to see them shout 'timeout!' and 'no fair' and 'no takesies backsies!' at each other for a few more EPs.

    I love the child-like mentality of Joe's group. Daryl and him were warming up to each other, but then Daryl offers his opinion of Rick and it's all 'Liar liar pants on fire' as they beat him mercilessly.

    What's even dumber is that they could very easily change it to something that's still Native American-themed and not really have to change their uniforms or colors or anything. Plus, they could probably sell a shitload of merchandise and make even more money. It's just stubborn stupidity of clinging to tradition*.