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    I didn't say it was stupid for people to care about changing it. I'm deriding the idiocy of clinging to it. It's a name. People find it offensive. So just change it already.

    My thought about it has been this: sure, it's kind of a dumb issue, but if there are people out there who think it's racist, why not change it? I've been a huge football fan for about 25 years, but Jesus, it's a goddamned stupid football team name. Just change the fuckin thing already, and if you really want to foster

    WBER rocks!

    As it got worse, the reasons I was watching it changed dramatically. Towards the end, I was actively rooting for outlandish horseshit like giving Dexter superpowers like flying and time-traveling. I would have loved for Dexter to walk into Angel's beachside bar and breathe fire and turn Papas! into smoldering rubble

    Right? When Abraham said it would take like two days to go around it, I was like, really? You can't climb a 10' hill and walk along the top of the tunnel?

    'TWD has held the mantle of "Worst Show that I Watch Regularly"'

    I'd actually argue that they almost never show concern for their family and friends. The back half of this season has been the two of them risking their friend's lives just to find each other. Especially glaring was the most recent episode, where Glen knew (from the blood writings Maggie left) that Maggie was most

    I think the fact that it is popular is in part what drives its popularity. It's a fun and silly show that people can actually talk to each other about. I don't really understand why it's given the same type of critical attention as AMC's other show Breaking Bad, getting deep EP breakdowns and critical analysis and

    No worries. I'm sort of new to the comments on these recaps as I only started watching Broad City midway through the season and loved it. I didn't realize people throw comparisons around in these threads a bunch; I figured since they share a network (and timeslot, I'm thinking?) and some subject matter and because

    I've only seen a few episodes, but what you describe about this episode has been my experience for those few I've watched. No one seems to get really screwed up or anything, they just a little sloppy at worst.

    They can and I'm not saying they can't. I only brought IAS up because they show the previews for the new season during Broad City and because both shows have similar sexual humor. Please read my comment again. Jesus, the sensitivity.

    That was the joke. If she'd said 'get high and watch the Aurora Borealis', it wouldn't be as funny. It's deliberately outlandish and fits with the line that another commenter pointed out about not being able to take anything off the list.

    Meh, not really for me. Seems a little contrived. It feels 'spiritual but inauthentically so'.

    But boy does it love Dane Cook!

    Loved this ep, loved the season. They managed to take something cliched and well-trodden like 'allergy humor'/swollen face and make it really funny and specifically about the character. I totally buy Ilana thinking she knows her limit and pushing it.

    Totally in agreement, especially with your first sentence. I'm not smart enough to know why, but seeing the commercials for Inside Amy Shumer during Broad City, it's kind of jarring to see how much better the latter is than the former at being raunchy. It's probably a function of how CC cuts the promos (CC is usually

    So you're OK with someone who is allergic to shellfish eating shellfish because they 'know their limit' (when they clearly don't), but heaven forbid that they say they'd like to do heroin once? It was a joke, not an endorsement.

    Siam's the big one. Pile all your armies into Siam and just play defense/collect the army bonus. Standard strategy.

    While I agree with you that there's nothing really offensive or racist about honky/cracker/etc, I think you'd need to explain this a little more:

    I remember seeing his CC Presents episode back in like 2005 and thinking he was terrible. Lo and behold, like six years later I'm watching TDS and there he is, completely madeover to look like Fred Armisen or something. His talent-to-exposure ratio is, to me, mind-boggling.