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    Very minor disagreeance, but I don't think Munny was 'disgusted by the violence he sees and commits'. He takes the job because he gets fed up with being a dumb pig farmer and out of some sense of duty. He easily and without remorse helps kill the two guys who cut up the prostitute. Ned and the Scofield Kid are

    'The Computer Wore Menace Shoes', 6th EP, 12th season. Written by Swartzwelder, and is a parody of The Prisoner.

    'their ineptitude would be more endearing if what they’re saying weren’t so crude and their targets so dim by design.'

    I hate BBT, but I really want it to get renewed for like 30 more seasons, and for CBS to lock all the performers into ironclad contracts. Something tells me that the show might come around the opposite way and be hilarious in 2035, provided the show's dynamics stay somewhat the same.

    I guess it's sort of a pet peeve of mine with AVClub reviews (I suspect it happens everywhere else, too, but I don't really read anything but this site for TV Reviews). Like every episode review starts with some grand, sweeping proclamation about life or the show at large (this particular review making a grandiose

    Maybe it's just me, but all I had to do was read the first few sentences of this review and disagree vehemently with its premise before I realized PDN wrote it. It's remarkable how often I find myself wondering how in the world he came to his conclusions. TWD and BB are such completely different shows that it's

    You are unhinged, and it's not for disagreeing with me. Please note that my original point is that people have differing opinions on what is/isn't offensive, and that we should be respecting that. Nowhere did I even say that I was personally offended by the joke, because I wasn't really (except maybe from a comedic

    Jesus, you're unhinged. What's phony about being offended by that? Please, elaborate.

    You seem to not be reading what I'm writing. You're the one accusing people of phony outrage, not me. And by the way, you seem far more outraged at this than anyone else here, what with invoking constitutional rights and so forth.

    What the fuck are you talking about? You think people getting offended by a joke is 'censorship'? You're severely overblowing this thing and making it like you're a crusader for 1st amendment rights. Knock it off, it's not about that at all.

    If you have no problem with me calling it a 'bad' joke, why the fuck would you have a problem with someone calling it an 'offensive' joke? You're being silly. Both are matters of opinion, and many people, especially a trans woman, are going to have a different opinion than you.

    Look, I'm about as un-PC as it gets (truthfully, I found the joke much more offensive from a comedic standpoint). If you can't empathize with people, I guess that's your road to hoe. Your hyper-sensitivity and knee-jerk labeling about this whole affair is telling.

    I don't watch this show a lot, but has Raj ever gone out on a date with a woman who was revealed to be a trans woman? If not, the joke was out of nowhere.

    I wish I hadn't seen CC's shitty promos for this episode, because I would've liked to have known what my reaction would've been to the 'I dare you to suck Jeremy's dick!' line had I not known it was coming. I mean, it was still hilarious (maybe the biggest laugh of the night), but that's the kind of line that demands

    I think when reading this review, it helps to realize that the reviewers on this site are in many ways just like all of us, in that sometimes they're fuckin idiots.

    So how the fuck is Mom still getting regular coverage? And, further, how is it not even 'On High Alert'? Is it because Todd loves it or something? That hunk of shit generates zero interest and has 20-30 comments per review, yet important things like TV Club Classic are getting the boot. Yes, dump coverage of shows

    I really would have expected The Wire to show up on here at least once. The show was so stuffed with excellent long takes that you could have, like #s 15-17, just cited the whole series.

    -There are plenty of people who disagree with Zack. The comments are full of people who pick apart his reviews, just like every review on this site.
    -Consider altering your lexicon because only assholes unironically use 'Sheeple' (must less capitalize it).

    Wow, holy shit. File this one under 'question answered'. Thank you.