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    Ignorant question, as this is the second time I've seen it referenced in the comments here but have never watched it: was there a baby murdered in the 'M*A*S*H' finale?

    I'm not sure how it's set up, but since this is still technically the same season, their names might have to contractually appear in the credits until the season ends. Either that or Carol is still in the show and will appear soon coupled with the fact that Wilson/Morissey were very briefly in the episode.

    Yes, because the only way to watch a television show is to wait for it to be broadcast in your country. There's no way people in France have seen this show.

    Sorry. I was using it more in a general sense. In my terrible opinion, the whole article seems amateurish and silly; I guess I'm just wondering if it was ran by an editor first.

    I don't care either way about the late night wars (it's a stale format and they're all hyper-rich [quick Googling shows that even Ferguson and Fallon are worth more than $25MM]), but I just wanted to address this from the article:

    You're right. I should've written 'critical consensus' or something about hindsight. The ratings went up and it became more popular, but it retrospect the quality dipped (or, in other words, it was a different show, as you say (and I totally agree on that)).

    Agree completely. When Long was on the show, the show had more heart and depth (especially when Coach was around; Diane and Coach's dynamic was wonderful). After she left, it became way less grounded in reality and was more about being zany and sitcom-y (particularly the last 4ish seasons). Still funny, but less

    Another very minor callback was that Magnitude was wearing the same shirt he wore in Season 2 paintball.

    I had to double-take when I saw the title of the article because I had no idea they were still a band. They were bland and boring like 15 years ago; how on earth are they still around? I've known tons of people who like/love punk and I've never heard anyone say that they liked the Lawrence Arms. Just wow.

    Um, no. Please, for the love of God, read his other reviews. KM often doesn't have any idea what he's talking about nor does he bring much prior knowledge to these reviews. For God's sake, in his last review he said that Michael Jordan made a 'string of ill-advised comebacks'. That is maddeningly and insanely wrong.

    It wasn't exactly obscure. It was made/opened to coincide with Fieri opening a restaurant in Manhattan after Fieri 'forgot' to register the domain. Google 'guy fieri fake wesbite'; many major news sites covered it.

    I totally agree (except for the invective at the end; I don't want to speculate as to why he writes like this). I've said it before on these 30 for 30 reviews, but any number of commenters here would do a much better job with these reviews and would probably do it for free (I know I would).

    There's a subtle undercurrent of hatred of all sports in these reviews. I'd suspect that he doesn't really want to be writing these but since no one else does, either, he's stuck with them. There are way too many factual errors in these (not to mention sloppy grammatical stuff).

    Garfield without Garfield.

    Almost every straightedge kid I've known has given it up, even the ones with straightedge tattoos. It's annoying when like a 25-28 year old suddenly starts drinking and everything is new to them and you also think about how much fun they could've had back in college.

    You just answered the questions I came here to ask. I don't know anyone who watches this show and most people I know have never even heard of it. I'm glad it's a quality show; I like Josh Charles.

    I meant in either way. Even as a fun/brisk/absurd read, it's trash. To each their own and all that, but he's a guy I just can't enjoy in any way.

    Marginally OT, but holy fuck is Tom Robbins awful. I'm generally against using aesthetics and taste as a barometer for intelligence, but when someone says that they like Tom Robbins I can't help but wince a little.

    He generally is funny and talented, but he looked pretty awful in that sketch. He was accidentally staring directly at the camera a few times and his delivery was bad. Although they did give him the shittiest lines to read.