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    Nonsense. You're important!

    Maybe? I do the same thing sometimes, I feel like we should be friends?

    Oh wow, two different staff responses to my sort of dumb comment! I feel loved.

    Thanks? I hope you eventually rectify the whole 'gun to your head that made you read and respond' situation you seem to be in.

    Okie dokie! What makes it worse for me is that I actually read the 'The Americans' article and still mentally categorized it as one about a bunch of shows. Thanks for the info.

    I'm being pedantic/dumb, but I guess I really don't understand this feature. The tagline says, 'We're unveiling those shows, one per publication day. . .', and so far three of the four articles have talked about multiple shows connected by a theme. Maybe change the tagline? You're definitely unveiling more than one

    Yeah, that's just such a dumb course of action. There are tons of sites that review new stuff, why not try to have comprehensive coverage of old, classic, culturally significant stuff? Just lunacy.

    Commenting synergy!

    I can't recommend this enough. The internet is a completely different place when you're running AdBlock. If you want to be immediately converted, install it and go to YouTube and watch a video. No ads! It's like watching a video in 2009 again.

    And I'm going to be an asshole here, but for a site that abandons somewhat culturally significant reviews of shows like Cheers because they're worried that not enough people are reading them and think that they're too much work*, The AV Club sure likes to waste tons of work fixing things that aren't broken and then

    I lovelovelove it when I come to post something and the Best Rated comment echoes my sentiments. What a piece of shit that poll is.

    Plus, like two seconds before the big fight, the Governor casually headshots two zombies from a pretty decent distance with a handgun. He's that great of a marksman, yet no one can hit anyone a few moments later.

    'I'll have what I'm having!'

    Yeah, I agree. It's like we all know what the end result will be (ie Rick & Michonne surviving), it's just how they got to that point should have been done better.

    It's funny, because IIRC, Carl was telling Daryl that he could take out the Governor from his vantage point. Daryl tells him not to, but wouldn't that sentiment get overrode (overridden?) by the Governor cutting Herschel? Carl should've just shot immediately.

    Your last sentence makes me think of Homer and Bart driving off in the float and Skinner saying, 'Damn! They're very slowly getting away!'

    I agree with all of your points. I think it was just weird that at least four people from Rick's camp where firing tons of rounds at the Governor's group, who was initially clustered and out in the open. Carl and Darryl were presumably, if you believe Carl's dialogue, aiming directly at the Governor when he cut

    That was hilarious. He had the Governor pinned down and punched him in the face a few times. Two seconds later, he's getting tossed around like a rag doll and then Gov just squeezes off like 50 face-punches.

    Total agreement about the grade thing (the 'Stray Observations' point, not the B-). I mean, yeah, I was into it during the fight and it was suspenseful (if predictable, but whatever) and it was exciting and all that, and I actually found the children shooting to save Tyreese kinda cool. So, entertaining? Yes.

    They just flexed the Giants out of the Sunday Night game two weeks ago when they played the Packers in order to show Broncos-Chiefs. I think it'd be weird to flex them out again.