Ross Conklin

I kind of hope they forgo the need to be about anyone in particular. I mean obviously there will be a protagonist(s) but I think the benefit of the Star Wars Stories is their flexibility in format. A Rashomon multi-perspective type story could have a lot of potential. Especially with this long history of binary good

If you are going to be cynical about the intersections of capitalism and art you need to look for another Fandom. Star Wars basically invented soulless exploitation of merchandising rights.

I am over it, but not because of answers. Mostly the momentum of the last book ran out for me pretty fast. When it comes out, I will order it day one for sure, but there is so much fantastic Sci-Fi/Fantasy coming out right now, I don’t feel any sort of loss in waiting. More time for other authors.

Instead of a deep dark secret how about just a Shamey Post, like “I was too lazy to run today and dead man’s snitch knows it!”

And here I was assuming it was the Self Sealing Stem Bolts SpaceX got from that Ferengi

I bet this is Sombra’s doing.

Agreed, I feel like Hanzo’s main role is helping the team keep an eye on where the enemy is coming from, even more so than picking off targets. Though that helps too. When you get to higher levels of play I am sure the intel aspect diminishes since the 1337 comp players all have their own well developed game senses

“the FBI withheld information from the DNC to protect classified information”

Something can be derivative and deliberate, and while it sounds like he is using the word in a negative sense, I think in this case Stranger Things was derivative in all the best ways. It used a common story and familiar setting to explore a world, some interesting concepts and some fantastic characters. Taking

That said, in this case there needed to be some form of consequence for this guys campaign of hate and harassment, and in some cases that does mean casting someone out of a community. It is a gray line, full of complex interchange between trying to foster basic human decency and allowing for the human experience grow

Such is the corporate oligarchy the right has built in america. The only unalienable rights are those of the corporation. Personally I think the world will be better off with this guy’s voice being ever so quieter (though he clearly still has a platform and an audience). However I am more and more on the side of those

Telltale needs to partner with someone who does driving games and make this happen. Maybe Slightly Mad Studios or Codemasters? Archer story and comedy intercut with car chases done with all the various classic cars in that show!!

Yes and no, Elite is working towards the detailed scale that SC is also working towards but right now is simply big but empty (by comparison). I would say a few other projects are closer to what SC is aiming for like Infinity Battlescape (also not out yet). And No Mans Sky is a different type of scale, and not

I think the “fully operational battle jedi” reveal should be Leia. Like her and Fin are running from a first order attack and they get cornerd by like a dozen storm troopers, as Fin preps for a really hard fight, Leia just force pushes them up to the ceiling and slams them back down. Cut to Fin, shocked, relieved and

But did they get the Pokemon they were looking for?

Also, it’s the future! There is a long history of gene therapy to help klingons and humans have kids. It is not a stretch to think they could use a surogate and some technology mcguffin “nano-bots laced with kahns blood” to create a zygote from the desired parents, regardless of sex.

She must be a Targaryen

If they go the route of him coming out later in life, that would make me kind of sad. The aspirational nature of Trek sci-fi would make “coming out” not even a thing. I kind of hope they just Ret-con/say Sulu was always gay, and the audience just didn’t notice because no other characters considered it a thing.

Moon door?

Do you think Benjen is working for the Nights King? Bringing Bran south so that when he crosses the wall he cancels out the magic preventing the dead from crossing?