Rogue Eagle

Laziness? Try doing that parallel to the ground and tell me it isn’t awkward, haha

Posturing and intimidation. Imagine you’re in the cockpit of a larger aircraft and a fighter rolls over the top of you and hangs out inverted right over your cockpit. Suddenly, I feel less in charge of my present situation, my sphincter would clench a bit and I would probably saying something to the effect of “oh

The idea is that the top of the hand represents the top of the aircraft. Crossing his hands is far more comfortable than trying to rotating the entire arm 180 degrees for the same effect.

I was a passenger in a vehicle (early 2000s Nissan Frontier) that did this. Basically, the semi-truck lane changed us and the driver swerved off the road into the grass dividing the two sides of the freeway, back end kicked around and we shot back into the side of the trailer. I distinctly remember each if us

You have got to stop with all these Ford GT posts or $kay’s hand is going to cramp and then we’re not going to see our COTD rewards anymore......

It’s all about AI Jason. I’m about to give you your next theory. The Skynet Theory. Humanity was wiped out by the Terminators. With no one left to fight and an ever evolving AI with an unwitting Data complex, it improved to the point that emotion finally became real. And with emotion came a desire for

I like that. We might need to make it the official unofficial name.

I see your I-5 between Seattle and Portland and raise you the entire stretch of I-5 between Sacramento and Los Angeles. The whole thing is basically two lanes in each direction inundated by 1) idiots, 2) semitrucks and 3) idiots in semitrucks. Flow of traffic goes something like this.

Argh! My need for symmetry really DOES NOT WANT.

$kay will be in her bunk

Right? The phrasing caught me as odd too...

Ha! Well played.

Well then they eat the cost. Sucks to suck. I’m not sure why they got kicked off the flight after he offered to hold the child again, seems like it solves the problem...but the seat definitely goes to someone on standby if no one has checked in. Which is all this should have been. Lack of critical thinking pretty

The intelligent thing for the family to do would have been to change the 18 y/o’s ticket to the flight he was taking a week earlier instead of buying a whole new ticket, but maybe that’s just me. Frees up the seat and they save money.

Clearly you should get the one with the engine in the back

Star just because it’s nice to find someone else who despises the sound of the 350Z just as much as I do.

“That we bought from local law enforcement officers.”

More gunpowder, bigger boom.

Huh, interesting. That makes sense though. More surface area = more drag potential. Hence the larger combustible force and higher twist ratio in the rifling. I hadn’t considered it from that perspective before.

And this is why I love conversation. You’ve officially blown me out of the water. I can spit a lot of the basics regarding potential energy, how that applies to firearms, bullet flight, trajectories, etc etc, but you are most definitely magnitudes above where I am. So lay it on me!