
Here is what I don’t understand: a man’s penis is one of the most precious parts of his body, right? Whereas people’s mouths are disgusting and full of bacteria. So how is it that vaginas and their associated fluids are too gross for his mouth but A-OK for his penis? Reckless, if you ask me.

Really interesting - thank you for all the detail! disappointed on behalf of my alma mater though :( Good luck with the college search in general - lots to think about for a young person (and her parents).

Honestly curious, as a Harvard alum - what have you learned about the culture there that concerns you? I don’t remember feeling it was unusually conservative (and I came from Seattle, liberal paradise), and the only gender bias I can recall experiencing is a couple of prick-ish instructors in the math/econ department.

Lots of great practical and smart suggestions here. Less important but, but still:

I was horrified when we were visiting venues and the people giving tours would say things like “oh you’re SO LUCKY that your man is here with you.” As if I ever would have put down thousands and thousands of dollars to reserve a place my future husband had never even seen.

not totally sure why, but “the really tiny kids get a wagon” is my absolute favorite part of this article.

i came here to say the same thing! I’m extremely happy that they are selling that many albums.

I know this is a serious subject and Odom’s situation is clearly very sad.

“because he’s not a confederate hero”

Wait...homeopathic dentists? As in...”sorry you chipped your tooth, drink this herbal tea and be healed?”

Nice. Do these people ever wonder why, if this were true, it wouldn’t be widely known and in use across the world? Why would it be a big secret? Who is anti-elderberry?

I just watched ‘the Longest Ride’ on the airplane yesterday and decided that the silliest of Nicholas Sparks plot contrivances can be forgiven if the lead actor is hot enough.

i’ve seen people do bicep curls on the squat rack and it is INFURIATING

Potatoes get a bad rap - fresh, whole potatoes cooked normally are full of vitamins! Especially if you leave the skin on.

I made a Bobby Flay pumpkin bread on Sunday, and substituted the 2/3 c water for buttermilk on a whim (I had a bit leftover from a chocolate cake project). I also sprinkled the top with crystallized ginger.

“LAUR-en,” just like the 1st name.

I love this show, but also find it super stressful because it’s like, real people’s lives. Whenever the person pitching is like “I MORTGAGED MY ELDERLY MOTHER’S HOUSE FOR THIS BUSINESS” it’s just devastating.

my sister drank 2-3 cups of whole-caf coffee a day while pregannt (that was a reduction for her.) she still had an 8.5 lb baby, so.....maybe she made the right choice there?

yyyyyessss amen. also it has a creepy sci-fi connotation for me: like your goal is to grow this perfect physical specimen, maximizing potential IQ points wherever possible.

are these guys not at all troubled by their similarity to the Taliban?