
I used to make fun of Curling but then my college roomies and I got high and spent an entire weekend watching Curling and now I know a lot about Curling and I really like Curling.

North and South Korea(who are our allies, btw) are a unified delegation for the Olympics. Maybe being the bigger man and standing for our allies should mean more than trying to stick to ole’ Un, no?

I’d like to agree with you, Hamilton. However, if the last 40 years of American history has taught us anything, it’s that the rich will always write off their losses on the backs of the poor and working class. If they stand to lose profits, they will slash the workforce, hike prices, and demand more austerity from

I’m here to win medals and get laid, and it looks like they’re all out of medals.

Republican in the front, skinhead in the back.

What else are paychecks for?

Gotta get that sweet low-background steel.

In short, nothing of value was lost. King is an overrated hack!

I don’t believe you. Every Subaru has three inherent flaws: two are the head gaskets, and the other is the thin layer of Retriever hair coating the interior.

Oh f’ing suck it up East Coast. The temp hasn’t climbed out of the single digits in almost 10 days in Madison, WI. North Dakota and Minn are even colder and our wind chills are between -35 and -20 on average at night the past week. But the East Coast hits the teens and it’s Armageddon. Oh no’s!

I read every one of those... WHAT DO I EVEN DO AT WORK ANY MORE!?

Holy Crap!

It’s fairly straightforward. You are taxed in order to pay for the social and economic security provided by an organized society.

I started to say that Tracy should buy it, but it runs and drives.

The fact that someone has half a billion to spend on a shitty painting that might be by da Vinci is proof enough that there will be a violent economic revolution in the next half century if we don’t figure this inequality shit out ASAP. 

Tried on two different browsers, both resulted in black screens.

Big screens are not fancy. When have you ever seen a large screen in a smoking room?

Wait, so people would bitch and moan about DLC, and now they’re enraged that they CAN’T pay to unlock something? Fucking kids these days.