I dont know, catcalling I would not define as sexual harassment and offering promotions in exchange of sex I think would work 100% in a court if she get some evidence.
I dont know, catcalling I would not define as sexual harassment and offering promotions in exchange of sex I think would work 100% in a court if she get some evidence.
Honest question: is there actually something like non-criminal sexual harassment?
I don’t want to be a pedant... but I will. Its not “it’s carbon dated”, you should have said “Could be carbon dated”.
Agreed, but lets be fair, compared to 45 anyone shines like a star in cloudless moonless night.
Well is like choosing between syphilis and cancer... both are horrible but one is a clear winner....
I would also like to add that everything that Dubbia created was not overturned by Obama but continued and in some cases even enforced, my guess is that the former president and peace nobel price winner kinda felt they were a necessary evil. So Mr Obama, which I find was a descent president (not great) and very…
I don’t care if he sold his soul and that of his first born to Shaitan himself, I would still pick him up instead of his orange highness without even blinking if I had the chance.
They do all the time, and no one cares, the congress and the senate should do something but... they are all spineless morons...
As his illustrious father said, there are certain constitutional amendments around that could help you with that... /wink /wink,
If you buy into the narrative that religion was CONSTRUCTED based on division you are more naive that the average evangelical loony, you have just changed a false narrative for another, and as the former you believe yourself to have the ultimate truth. Fail.
And the jokes are painfully based on truth...
WoW... great stuff, I am really surprised. Thanks.
And even if they were actresses with a future, they probably were smart enough to understand that if they spoke that future would vanish... is cowardly yes, but most people dont want to ruin their carriers when they are just beginning.
This. Totally agree.
The problem is not her acting skills, but that she is not very stable, and THIS definitely had something to do with it.
Well, she WAS blacklisted for being Corney Love, id est: she doest really give a fuck. Everyone who did care about their carriers stayed silent.
And atheist.. damn it, they are the vegans of religious groups....
Well sorry if i didnt understand but it really looks like you are saying this bunch of fuckers and then this other people...
Yea, the same vegetarian hindus that have no problem letting their own people starve while leading the cow meat international market... Sorry to pop your bubble but no religious group is free of hypocritical asshats.