
Romans would disagree...

Because you are old, we do that to ourselves... we old people... all the time.... because we are old.

See it this way, if you fucked a girl and got her pregnant then the offpring of that could today also fuck another human being and reproduce.

I just hope no one reads that comment and starts a series of events that culminates in that actually happening... ‘cause movie execs and cocaine... lots of cocaine.

Does he ever leave his hair alone? I really think he would benefit from not doing anything to it or just shaving it....

I imagine Russians will not be amused. ALL THE STARS TO FINLAND!!!

This is how you promote DACA to get republican support:

Sci fi? there is 1960 Beattle running in the streets of Maracaibo right now. And I bet is not the only one that old or older. If production in Mexico ceased in 2003, there is nothing incredible about one still around by 2049

There is an entire subculture around SMBD, and most of them are “normal” people.

God works is mysterious way alright...

That sounds.... kinky....

Wrong: While that could be , the use of female instead of woman in this case would be to avoid implying AGE. The word Woman implies maturity, female is general to include both adults and children. In park children are usually accompanied by adults, hence the necessity to use a general term.

I find the idea of someone with Greek ancestry to be on the side of nazis mesmerizing.

And what about the “other” Google Play... the one that is not a store, not an API but an App to see stuff.. Google play books, Google play Music, Google play etc etc.... Why???

If you add Dark City, you must then add The thirteenth Floor (1999). I love both.

TRUMP: “But I can still see the tires...”

Whats your point? That he lies on previous lies about random talking points? That he ignores himself or that really anything he says has no bearing on reality or even his own mind?

Wait a sec? Wasn’t about mice and a retarded dude?

I think you are missing the point. The blame in not on the tool but the user. In Spain many were killed with a vehicle. McBain bomb was made with non military chemicals and the Twin Towers where thousands died were destroyed with highjacked planes without use of guns, and even if guns were used, they WERE NOT ALLOWED

I am amused that no one is commenting on Morty not being a “Fry” level dumb character anymore, he is actually getting smarter (as it is possible for a Morty) and less awkward and the sudden drop of Summer after being “upgraded” on season 2. I actually think that was not so bad because leaves some space for her to keep