
Oh you will, but it is really important that you impeach that motherfucker, fuck even appointing his daughter and son in law in such important jobs should be reason enough. What the fuck happened? Everyone forgot what nepotism is??? The sooner he is out the sooner you will recover, you are still riding a high wave in

Because somehow the alt-right was able to create their own alt-reality. Didnt you hear the flaming new comm dir? Everything is perfect and in the right direction....

That should be a movie of it own.

Wait a sec, Americans were not involved in the war (1941) when dunkirk happened (1940). What does americans have anything to do with dunkirk?

You serious? Of course USSR was fundamental in the defeat of Germany, but if The USA has not joined the war the ruskies would have been obliterated. Germany lost the moment it had to fight on 2 fronts. Again, if Hitler wasn’t the backstabbing son of a bitch that he was, he would have waited a little longer before

OMG!!! So they all end up turning orange... that is the cue!!! we can now fight back the invasion!!!

THe raw potato or other material is set behind the ear to stop the needle.

You silly americans. Here girls get their ears pierced before they get breastfeed for the first time...

Like with 300, again and again the real story is 100 times more bad ass and awesome that what they cook for Hollywood scripts... I dont know why they even invent stuff with so much amazing things lying around is history...

Yea, you are 100% right, but remember that people always judge other people in base of not only whom they are but also who they are surrounded  by. Spicy was like a shinning jewel when you compared him to the “people” that Trump has around him... A fucking star of hope in a dark sky filled with black (Ass)holes...

Wait a sec... are you implying that you are surprised by Trump NOT being honest? Seriously?

Yes, but it is not a line, it seems to be a problem with the colors between the upper and lower part of the picture.

A mule only moves drugs from one place to another, if she gave the dope to buyers she was a dealer.

In the past a bullet to the head has been the fastest way to remove a president...

Yea, like racism. Once there is only one race racism will no longer be a problem... great reasoning..

I disagree, since it is a school and schools have controlled points of entry, person wearing these kind of garments just have to identify themselves and the entrance and then they can go on normally since the garment in question no longer will work to conceal the identity of an individual with ill intentions. Second,

That is a can of worms that should NOT have been opened. Restricting EVERYONE’s rights to express religious believes is not the solution for the suppression of a single group religious freedoms.

As the infinitely wise and brave Mr. Ryan said: “He is new to this” - “he has never done it before”....

Ok, you may be right. These were just 18 anomalous continuos cases where it didn’t happen.

Nah, unless he missed the tires ricochet was almost impossible. Tires are excellent to shoot at. While they have steel reinforcement on the inside the rubber layer is tick enough to suck the whole bullet.