Well he is damaging property, he should at least be fined.
Well he is damaging property, he should at least be fined.
I really would like to know want happened before the shooting. Did he calmy ask the guys to move, and they politely said they would as soon as they finished their job or was some assholery involved...
If you are black... don’t do it, if you are in Texas don’t do it no matter what...
If you have read the whole thing you would have known that it is directly addressed.
Actually is a good idea. to prevent both fires and damaged to equipment.
I dont even know that dabbing means...google says this:
This is very fucked up...
Reality check. You are wrong.
Actually about that...
It sounds great and I get the point, but I disagree on the mercy part, irrevocably it is usually good people that give mercy, not because the bad ask for it, but because good people are.. well good.
I just learn about “wypipo” today, of course I do not live in the USA so cant really say, But I would bet that will not last long...
I may be confused a little, but, when you insult someone isn’t it the purpose to make them feel bad??? So to ask to don’t call someone trash because it makes them feel bad is kinda counter intuitive to me...
Oh I call people trash all the time, because if they are worthless pieces of shit, I have not even a iota or remorse calling them what they are.
Honkey, cracker and white trash are bad examples, those are words that even white people use for other white people. It is a sub class of white people if you like, so it is not like the word nigger that is used to insult ALL black people and not just a sub set of them. Another example is redneck, it is a derogatory…
That would only happens is Trump doesn’t sucks to high heavens, and well, he has done in 6 moths so much... so much... so fucking much...
That is the back up retirement plan...
That gen pool is weird, you want to hump all the females and crush the skulls of all the males... a vivisection of the originator samples is in order to discover why...
Hurry, some one give that poor woman a BMT sandwich!!!
All is correct except this: “taught to shoot to maim, or disarm”
Indeed, I would like a system where no one is raped in prison and where people like this woman are simply executed a few weeks after their sentense. Alas is not meant to be.