
Wait a sec... his mother’s family is NOT black and his father’s family is NOT black.... mmm yea, I think I have a strong theory about why his “father” left...

I usually say this: Do we know each other?

Well if in you moral scale abusing women is no big deal but calling a black man boy it is an atrocity, Yea, that sounds about right...


I also got that reference... I am so old...

Satan is overrated. Lets face it, the fucker is a hipster loser. He knows he cant win but tries to brand himself as a champion of freedom and cool. Fuck him. Give Spaghetti Monster any day.

All the stars... and money if it works....

Well is you are going whity why not this guy:

While your point is somehow valid, no where it is said that the genie was “born” in western asia. While Aladdin (at least the original) is from what it is today Iraq. Basically the genie can be any race, and since this is a Disney version he will probably be blue anyway.

As an Italian (white skin, brown eyes, dark brown hair going white... well what’s left of it) that more that once has been mistaken for a person from the middle east AND that personally knows Syrian, Lebanese and Iraki nationals that have fair hair and clear eyes, I struggle with the concept of what Hollywood defines

They are both total pieces of shit...

I think they should not be allowed to breathe...

While abuse does perpetuate the cycle... death out right ends it... so...

A Tepes Special? Good old Vlad knew how to treat... offenders...

Because people in these forums are all prejudiced sjw that understand that is code word for his coworker being a low profile racist, too dumb to defend his own position.

You miss the OP point, it is about options. Yes you take a job you dont like because of money, but if you can have a life with a job you like more, even if it is less money you would on the other job you dont like, you will probably take it, if you want to be happier that is...

Wait a sec... he was not high on cocaine or other hard drug?


I have never eaten on the table, usually there is a dish or something similar, and most times that not that dish is over a serving board with some kind of paper in between because why the fuck not...

It is not so much the lack of spines as the lack of brains that worries me lately....