With fanfic, the moment you ask it is already done....
With fanfic, the moment you ask it is already done....
There is actually a good argument to still use mass accelerators and missiles as weapons in the far future. While some form of energy weapons should exist (lasers, plasma, electric coils ala Tesla gun from many sf novels and games, etc) they have shortcomings that bullets and rockets don’t have. How to you make a…
Wait a motherfucking sec... Are you calling R2D2, the embodiment of the macguffin troup, unimportant to the plop of Star Wars? What movie did you see?
I agree 100%. Just because a name is uncommon or weird does not make it automatically shitty. And Blue Ivy is cool and has a pleasing sound in english. Of course how it sounds is not all of it. Cellar Door has a nice sound but if you call your son or daughter that, you are a fucking bastard.
Well names have a long story of being just shitty variations of something else. Old movies used to make fun of the english version of american native names like sitting bull, soaring eagle and so on, but it has always been like that: Peter means Stone. Emmanuel means God send, my own name Renzo is shortened Lorenzo…
So are lady, madame and junior is not a title but something you add to distinguish father and son. That has not stopped people from naming their kids with those or some variations. I can personally testify that I have met people called Lady, Ladie, Maladie, Milady, Mylady, Yorlady, Jorlady, Yorman, Jorman, Junior,…
Bingo. And thats way up until 19 century, even beginnings of 20 a lot of folks were trying to tell the world “We are the inheritors of the Roman Empire”. Which in hind sight was kind of silly. Except for the nazis.. those mother fuckers had nothing funny about them.
Actually he just pretended to have one. He was a pathological liar.
Nice point, Trump is like a Geiger counter for people full of shit, anyone who stays close we know is full of shit with 100% certainty.
Plus navi are CGI like 3 of the 4 examples for Idris Elba... This article is very bad or it picked the worst possible examples. In any case the point should go about more black people having leading roles, but Gamora IS a leading role, is arguably the female lead in GOTG I and II...
We in Venezuela call that a “paquete chileno”... a gift that is just full of shit.
This. They will fuck you over anytime, if better to learn now if they are worth your time. I don’t know how old are you, but As an example, an HP employee 25 year ago would pretty much sacrifice anything for his company because HP was a great place to work in. If you were an HP employee and you are young I would…
Maybe they are into S&M?
Look, this is the thing... Trump said “Comey has balls”. As you should already have noticed, anything that happens to be truth can not, unless it is somehow false in another even more retorted way, come out of Trump mouth, it is a sort of universal law by this point. So, since he said Comey has balls, we have now…
True, but I didn’t like the message.
Dude.. the first letter of the element name not the symbol.
Get the symbols for the elements and discover the profound words behind the cryptic message...