I dont see symbols in that picture
I dont see symbols in that picture
She didnt use the Symbols but the full names, so i used the same standard. Of course using the same standards is hard for you americans, so I understand you.
As an Italian, who doesn’t give 2 fucks about people from any other country celebrating traditional italian holidays and has something like 50% chance of being offended if they did it the wrong way, like drassing like and “italian” and going all “itsa me Mario”... I ask: Isn’t the best option for non-mexicans to NOT…
She should have arranged the elements so the first letter spelled, I am a geek.
...and your name is?
The fact that you also think that is weird... you are still right but it is weird.
Yep, Rednecks are like living proof or your point.
I don’t know what to think... What does sound Caucasian even mean? Not speaking with black “slang”? Is it equivalent to just speak properly or witout a specific accent? If so that is a very fucked up thing to say... One thing is sure, it was ballsy.
Oh man.. this list is so wrong.. not because of the Not black characters ranked as black, because that is obviously a joke (The Chewbacca part DID come across as racist tho, it totally did), but putting Lando at 10? Really? Really? You could have just titled this: “Star War fans who like Lando, this is for you: FUCK…
I bet 5 buck he copied the disk and will do something with it later..
Wrong article edited...
YEP, specifically Putin’s whore.
Maybe, slavery would have just continued for 20 or 30 more years. I am sure black people would not have minded that.... //SARCASM
Yep, and at just 24 you are already good enough to trick the brain into thinking is moving fluidly.
I think his beef is with the fact that they are not the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse as named in “THE” Apocalypse book of the Bible: War, Death, Pestilence and Famine. If someone had the cojones to make a game like this using actual christian mythology you would end with a really fucked up game, and a shitstorm coming…
Suicide is a big no no for Christians. HE was very fucked up in the head.
You are mixing things. One thing is to openly carry a weapon, and a very different one is to pull one out of your purse threating someone. Now that said that stupid woman just showed her and put it away soon enough, but have she kept it out and pointed to the woman cutting her kids head ir someone else, she would have…
No. If someone takes out a gun on a public place and threatens someone else is not an overreaction to shoot it. That is the problem with guns, bullets are fast, and triggers are easy to pull, If a person considers himself or someone else at imminent risk there is no time to talk things up, once a gun is already out…
This is serious, if someone on that place was also armed, that woman could have been shot right then and there. Then a shitstorm would happen if that person happened to be white. Shooting someone who pulls out a gun is not overreaction, pulling a gun for a fucking haircut is.