
Cant give you more stars!!! That is the fucking point. People should stand their ground when it is worth it. Sometimes “the center”, “the balance”, “the third way” is just one big pile of bullshit. That is why both the “left” and the “right” on USA have both degenerated in 2 big gray piles of tasteless jello, they

Ah of course, but if his performance depends on the quirks of a control, he looses all respect in my book.

And I think you don’t understand my point. It does not matter if he uses the controller to avoid the glitch or to exploit the glitch. It is still impossible to control how “damaged” a control is. All controls should be equal, period, and you cannot ensure this with a damaged control.

Do you want true desegregation? Stop district division of budged bases on tax income for district. Make tax income destined to education on the STATE level go to a single pool, and then distribute evenly among schools not based on their district but the number of children in said school. That way you are giving each

Because he is not so much a game “GOD” as someone who knows how to exploit a very particular glitch that MOST people can not even do because they use normal controles.. This is BS.

Am I the only one that thinks that any standardized competition should use standard controllers? I mean, it is not an unfair advantage if the controllers themselves are different? And since a technical failure is not by definition under control (no pun intended) of the organizers how does it not become an important

YEa, I have a super good friend that was born on December 31th.... I have never gone to his birthday party... NEVER.

If you have a college degree as an engineer you can call yourself engineer, whether you get that degree in Oregon, Lituania or China, but you need a licence in order to practice, which is logical since you need demonstrate your knowledge of the local standards. Nothing of that has anything to do with what group of

I accept you saying fairy tale god, but the zombie part does not apply. What Christians believe Jesus is/did does not match the meaning of zombie. Unless you are talking about OTHER religion with an actual zombie god... then go on.

That’s when happens when you stop reproducing, your numbers go down... Remember that from a biological point of view success = reproduction. Southerns do their breeding right...

This is so confusing... Not the part about what the discipline book says, or she being bishop... but the combination. It is like if one was sodium, the other water and they mixed in my brain...

Yep, by the time we run out of manual cars to buy, driving itself may have become a thing of the past... I am serious here, I see a large percentage of the population that can buy cars buying fully automated robot cars. Specially workaholics that would get a boner at the idea of turning a 45 min commute into extra

As automatic technology improves they suck less and less, specially in roads on hills and mountains, in Italy for example a shitty automatic will not do unless you don’t go out of the city EVER. Automatic are getting better in that regard so is understandable.

Interesting, I never though about it like that, but I think we would have to scan the catalogs of several dealers in the last few years to confirm if that is true or not. If it is, it would be a really fuck up thing... like a self fulfilling prophesy or more accurately a vicious circle: people don’t buy as much

What are you talking about? That is the fun part, specially in hills.

OMG... you keep overflowing me with tech info that has no bearings on what I posted.

The point is who the heck specified a certain kind of manual transmission? I said just manual, and as such is an umbrella term FOR ALL manual transmissions.

Not first game that I finished but first one I made maps to make sure I explored everything... I loved AoL and was the first Zelda I played too...

Concentration camps are not exclusive from the holocaust, and as pointed by other poster not all concentration camps are extermination camps.